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British Columbia's Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector
Sector Revenues ($millions)
Contribution to BC's GDP ($millions)
Employment ('000 of jobs)
Commercial Fisheries
Seafood Processing
Sport Fishing

Source: British Columbia's Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector - September 2002 BCSTATS

British Columbia's fisheries and aquaculture sector has four principal economic components: commercial fishing, sport fishing (both inland and tidal), aquaculture and seafood processing. In total, the sector contributes more than $1.9 billion in revenues to the provincial economy and accounts for more than $601 million in GDP annually.

Much of the economic activity associated with the sector is located in rural communities. The non-tidal sport fish and the freshwater aquaculture components are spread through the rural interior of the province while the remainder of the activity occurs up and down the coast.

Commercial Fishing

Commercial Fishing is the harvesting of more than 80 species of aquatic plants and animals from the oceans and rivers. Commercial fishing occurs off the mainland coast, all around Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands and along the rivers of B.C. Commercial fishing generates $170 million a year in GDP.


Aquaculture is the farming of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants in both freshwater and saltwater environments. Privately owned and operated aquaculture facilities culture salmon and shellfish species primarily on ocean foreshore or deepwater sites. Freshwater aquaculture occurs inland with commercial hatcheries, "U-Catch-Em" operations and pond or lake grow-out enterprises. Aquaculture generates $116 million a year in GDP.

Seafood Processing

Seafood Processing is carried out in more than 200 fish processing facilities throughout the province. Processors handle fish from both the wild harvest and the aquaculture sectors, producing fresh, frozen, canned and smoked products primarily for export markets. Fish processing generates $82 million a year in GDP.

Sport Fishing

Sport Fishing occurs in both tidal and fresh waters throughout the province. A major tourist attraction for both domestic and foreign tourism markets - the sector supports about 8,900 jobs. Sport fishing generates $233 million a year in GDP. The non-tidal (freshwater) recreational fishery is managed by the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.

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Updated: July 12, 2006

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