British Columbia Family Maintenance Enforcement Program
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Family Justice

Family Justice, Ministry of Attorney General
This website provides general information about a number of issues of interest to BC couples who have separated or who are about to separate. It may also be useful for guardians and other family members, such as grandparents, who may be involved in making important decisions about the family and its future.

A network of Family Justice Centres [PDF 64 kb] operates across the province to provide services to British Columbians going though separation or divorce.

Each centre is staffed by Family Justice Counsellors, specially trained to help families with child custody, guardianship, access and support issues.

Child Support

Maintenance Enforcement in Other Jurisdictions in Canada

Variation and enforcement of Orders where one party lives outside BC

Maintenance Enforcement outside Canada


Legal Services


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Find out how much child support should be paid under the Child Support Guidelines.
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Revised: July 17, 2006