British Columbia Family Maintenance Enforcement Program
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July 15, 2006
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Government of British Columbia
Home > Security

The Family Maintenance Enforcement Program is committed to your right to security and privacy. We do this in several ways as outlined below.

Verisign Secure Site VerificationSite Certificate

Our website has been secured with a digital certificate issued by VeriSign, Inc., a certification authority.

Password Protection

To get information about your case, you must sign in using your case number and PIN along with the first three letters of your last name. These personal identifiers help ensure that no one other than you can access your case information.

Our site is secure and we protect your case information. We do not track our clients' use of the website.


We use "cookies" to provide a method of securely distinguishing among visitors to our website. Cookies are simple text files stored by your web browser and do not contain personally identifiable information and do not compromise your system security.

Protection of information in transit

When you use a secure browser, any information you submit to us through our secured website is transmitted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. You can double click on the closed lock icon near the bottom of your browser window to verify that we are using this encryption service. A small frame displaying site security information will pop up providing evidence that we are using SSL and that we support either 40-bit or 128-bit key lengths, depending on the application.

Other security measures

  • We use a firewall to protect internal computer systems and your stored personal information (a firewall is a barrier to unauthorized users to prevent access to our systems).
  • We monitor our system and application logs to identify any unusual activity, from authorized and/or unauthorized individuals accessing our systems and/or making changes to stored information.
  • Our internal computer systems are housed in a secure building to provide additional protection against unauthorized access and changes to stored information.
Take a Tour of the Website
Not sure if you want to sign in? See what our client website has to offer.
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Child Support Calculator
Find out how much child support should be paid under the Child Support Guidelines.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions.
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Revised: July 17, 2006