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Staying Healthy


Staying healthy is one of the most important choices you can make during your lifetime. Programs and information on health, wellness and illness prevention include:

  • Aboriginal Health Resources: Resources that focus on Aboriginal health 
  • ActNowBC: Information and tools on healthy living, including nutrition and physical activity 
  • BC Drinking Water Program: Ensuring safe, reliable and accessible drinking water for all British Columbians.
  • BC HealthGuide: Reliable health information 24 hours every day, with a handbook, website, health files and BC NurseLine
  • BC NurseLine: Speak to a registered nurse available 24-hours or a pharmacist from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. every day, with translation services
  • Current Health Issues: Public health information on influenza (flu) vaccinations, pandemic influenza and other current topics
  • Health Insurance in BC: Information on medical coverage with the Medical Services Plan (MSP) and drug coverage with BC PharmaCare
  • Health-Related Internet Resources: Internet sites and other resources on health research, policy, public health, and more
  • Pandemic Influenza (flu): May occur when a new virulent influenza virus emerges that can easily infect humans, and against which people have little or no immunity.
  • Population Health and Wellness : Information and programs on health promotion, illness prevention and related resources like ActNow BC
  • Provincial Health Officer: Find research, reports and advice on public health topics, such as the health of British Columbians
  • Tobacco Control Program: Tobacco laws and tools to prevent tobacco use, protect against second-hand smoke and help people quit smoking   
  • Tobacco Laws: Tobacco laws and retailer tools to reduce tobacco use
  • Seniors' Health: Information for seniors including a guide to programs and benefits in BC
  • Women's Health: Health strategy, handbook and other resources on women’s health in BC 
  • Toll-free Information Lines: Contacts for the Health and Seniors’ Information Line and other health-related helplines in BC