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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact an MLA?

This website is a good place to help you contact your MLA. The MLA section helps you locate MLAs by name, constituency, community, or postal code, provides email addresses and includes pictures and short biographies.

Another way to reach your MLA is by calling his or her constituency or legislative office. You can look up the number in the phone book, or you can make a toll-free call to Enquiry B.C.

In Victoria, call 250-387-6121
In Vancouver, call 604-660-2421
Elsewhere in BC, call 1-800-663-7867

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How can I visit the Legislature?

The Legislature, also commonly referred to as the Parliament Buildings, is located at the south end of the Inner Harbour in downtown Victoria. It is open to the public all year round, even when the House is not sitting. From Monday to Friday, you can take part in a guided tour, offered in several languages. During the summer months, the buildings are also open on weekends and statutory holidays. You may also arrange for a booked tour by calling Pamela Welch, Tour Coordinator at 250-387-3046.

The hours for the Legislature are:

Summer (May to September)
- seven days a week 8:30 – 5:00

October through April
- Monday through Friday 8:30 – 5:00

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What is a Bill?

A bill is proposed legislation introduced to the Legislative Assembly by a Member. It becomes an Act when passed by the Legislative Assembly and given Royal Assent by the Lieutenant-Governor.

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What is the Votes and Proceedings?

Votes and Proceedings is the official published summary record of the decisions and activities undertaken each day in the House – similar to minutes. A listing of the bills introduced, documents tabled motions introduced, decisions made and the results of any votes in the House are recorded in the Votes and Proceedings. It also outlines the status of all legislation introduced in the session.

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What is the Orders of the Day?

The Orders of the Day is the official published daily agenda of House business. It provides a comprehensive overview of the status of business before the Legislative Assembly. Its listings include the status of legislation, debates, motions and resolutions, as well as written questions directed to Ministers.

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What is Hansard?

Hansard is the official report of debates in the Legislative Assembly. Hansard is a full and verbatim transcript of everything said in the House and in committee meetings. Repetitions and obvious mistakes are edited out to make it easier to read. Hansard transcripts are available in print form as well as through this website. Hansard also oversees the live telecast of the proceedings in the House throughout the province via satellite.

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What are Parliamentary Committees?

Parliamentary Committees allow MLAs to look closely at a particular issue and explore it in depth. They also provide a way for MLAs to examine the activities of government ministries and keep the government and the public service accountable to the people of British Columbia. In committees, MLAs can consult with experts and review documents and papers. They can also collect the views of community, professional, business, academic and other groups as well as well as the general public providing an opportunity for direct involvement in the workings of the Legislative Assembly.

There are both Select Standing Committees authorized by the Legislative Assembly to investigate and report on a particular aspect of government operations and Special Committees, which can be occasionally set up to look at a single specific issue. Both types of Parliamentary committees present a final report to the House.

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What is adjournment, prorogation and dissolution?

All business not concluded at the time of adjournment stands over to the next sitting. Prorogation is the ending of a parliamentary session that abolishes all pending business and halts all committee work. Dissolution is the bringing to an end of a parliament. This is done by the Lieutenant-Governor and is followed by a general election. Adjournment ends a sitting, Prorogation ends a session and Dissolution ends a parliament.

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How can I obtain printed copies of legislative materials?
Crown Publications Inc.
521 Fort St.
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 1E7
Telephone: (250) 386-4636
Fax: (250) 386-0221
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How do I navigate through the site?
The site provides two navigation bars and a search engine to find information within the site:

  1. Use the blue vertical navigation bar on the left of the screen that reads "Public Written Questions, Speaker, Members, Officers of the House, Documents and Proceedings, Legislation, Parliamentary Committees, Legislative Library, Hansard (Debates), Legislative Television, Public Education & Outreach, Discover Your Legislature."

  2. Also use the white horizontal navigation bar on the top of the screen that reads "Site Map, Contacts, What's New, Using the Web Site, FAQs, Glossary." You can also navigate by clicking "Site Map" in this navigation bar.

  3. You can also use the search tool which is accessible on the top right corner of every page.
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My navigation bars don't work, what is wrong?
The navigation bars require a Javascript enabled browser. You must either enable javascripting in your browser, or download a newer version of your browser that supports Javascript.
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What if I am having trouble finding what I want on the web site?
You can use the search function in the upper right hand corner of the screen, or click the "Advanced Search" link in the upper right hand corner of the screen.The "Site Map" link in the white navigation bar along the top of the window will provide an easy to read table of contents for the whole site.
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How do I learn more about my Legislature?
To find out more about your Legislature, take a look at the Discover Your Legislature section of this website. It is an interactive multi-media resource that lets you explore the Parliament Buildings through a virtual tour and learn about its history, design and purpose. You can learn about the many people who make up the Legislative Assembly and also find out more about the role of the Legislative Assembly in the democratic governance of our province. There are even interactive games to test your knowledge. Copies of the CD-Rom are available at the Legislative Tour Office for $10.00 Canadian, $8.00 American.
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Where are the publications that are produced by the Legislative proceedings?
Click the "Documents and Proceedings" link on the blue navigation bar on the left of the screen. You may also find a link to brochures on the "Public Education and Outreach" menu on the blue navigation bar on the left of the screen.
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What is the Legislative Library?
The Legislative Library provides reference and research services to the Members of the Legislative Assembly, their research staff, the Officers of the House, and legislative support staff. Provided there is no conflict with service to these primary users, the Library also assists provincial government employees, and in exceptional circumstances, members of the public.
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How do I gain access to the Legislative Library Catalogue?
Go to the Library page and click the "Search our Library Catalogue" link.
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How do I find out about employment opportunities with the Legislative Assembly?
Click the "Contacts" link on the white navigation bar at the top of the page, and then click on the "Human Resources Office" link.
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I've encountered terminology that I'm not familiar with, how can I get help?
There are many parliamentary terms used in the Legislative Assembly that may be unfamiliar to you. A glossary has been created to help you understand. Simply click on the upper Glossary button in the top right hand side of your screen and search for the word.