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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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About the Committee System

What are Parliamentary Committees?

Parliamentary committees are appointed by the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia to undertake business on behalf of the Assembly. Committees are comprised of Members of the Legislative Assembly. Committees derive their powers from the House and must report their findings back to the House.

Committees consider only those matters that are referred to them by the Legislative Assembly. Within its terms of reference, each committee is afforded total independence in its deliberations.

The committee system allows for detailed examination of matters in a manner which would not be possible in the larger House. At times, the committee system also allows members of the public to have direct input into the parliamentary process by making written submissions and attending public hearings. Parliamentary committees may travel within British Columbia to obtain evidence.

Select Standing Committees are established by the Legislative Assembly at the commencement of each session. During the 2nd session, 38th Parliament, Standing Order 68(1) was amended thereby establishing the following nine Select Standing Committees:

  1. Aboriginal Affairs
  2. Children and Youth
  3. Crown Corporations
  4. Education
  5. Finance and Government Services
  6. Health
  7. Legislative Initiatives
  8. Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills
  9. Public Accounts

In addition, special committees can be created by the Legislative Assembly to examine a single, specific issue. A special committee ceases to exist after it has completed its investigation and presented its final report to the House.

The following special committees are currently active in British Columbia:

A common type of special committee is one which recommends the appointment of statutory officers of the Legislature.

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Functions of Committees

The use of parliamentary committees allows for a more detailed examination of matters than would be possible in the larger, more formal environment of the House. Committees also allow members of the public to have a direct input into the parliamentary process by making written submissions and participating in public hearings. Parliamentary committees may travel throughout British Columbia to obtain evidence.

In recent years, committees have investigated a wide variety of topics including: earthquake preparedness, agricultural and food policy, lumber re-manufacturing and the Nisga'a Agreement-in-Principle.

Committees may also be referred the subject-matter of a bill (Standing Order 78A) or a vote within the Estimates (Standing Order 60A). But in practice these referrals rarely occur. However, private bills are automatically referred to the Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders, and Public Bills after first reading in the House.

At its first meeting, a committee elects a chairperson and a deputy chairperson, reviews its terms of reference, and embarks on drafting a business plan.

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Committee Process

At the beginning of each legislative session, a Committee of Selection is automatically authorized to determine the membership of all legislative committees. The Committee of Selection will appoint between ten and twelve members to each committee.

Committees are "creatures of the House" and are, by nature, subordinate to the Legislative Assembly. Committees must generally observe the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly, and they must report back to the Legislative Assembly once their work is complete. Committees of the Legislative Assembly do not have the authority to initiate their own work. They must have a matter referred to them by the House.

Typically, a committee is empowered by a motion tabled in the Legislature by a government minister. The motion calls for a committee to investigate a particular matter, and the Legislative Assembly votes on that motion. The substance of the motion becomes the committee's terms of reference.

The terms of reference outline the tasks given to a committee and also permit the committee to meet, to call witnesses and to retain personnel as required. The terms of reference may also specify that the committee must report back to the Legislature within a given time period. Beyond these typical specifications, the committee is free to interpret the scope of its mandate.

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Committee Membership

Committees are comprised strictly of Members of the Legislative Assembly, usually excluding the Premier and other cabinet ministers. Committees have between ten and twelve members, and the membership mirrors, as closely as possible, party representation in the Legislative Assembly.

Members of the Legislative Assembly who have a particular interest in the work of a Committee, but have not been appointed to that Committee, may choose to attend meetings as observers. With the permission of the Committee, these Members may participate in Committee debate, but they are not permitted to vote.

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Role of Committee Chair

The Committee Chair is responsible for maintaining order and decorum during meetings, deciding questions of procedure, and generally ensuring that the committee work proceeds smoothly in conjunction with the committee's business plan.

The key responsibilities of the Chair include:

  • To rule on all procedural matters
  • To call committee meetings, subject to authorization of the committee
  • To sign committee reports and present them to the House
  • To direct the administration of the committee by the Clerk to the Committee
  • Committee members elect a Chair and a Deputy Chair at their first committee meeting.
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Reporting to the Legislature

At the end of its deliberations, a committee must report its observations and recommendations to the Legislative Assembly. The observations contained in a report often refer to evidence collected during the public hearing process.

Committee reports contain recommendations for action by government or by the Legislative Assembly. Committees in British Columbia do not have the authority to directly alter legislation or cause the government to take any specific action. Similarly, the government is not required to respond to committee reports.

The Committee Chair makes a committee report public by presenting it in the House. If the Legislature is not in session, the Chair may choose to make the report public by depositing a copy of the report with the Office of the Clerk. The contents of committee reports are privileged, and therefore they are kept confidential until the report is made public.