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Search Report:  Total of 460 Results Matched  For Search: photograph photography camera   Using Mode: ANY
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Call Number: Library NW 770.9 C392 Author: Date:
Title: A Celebration of photography : 50 years of photography with the Victoria Camera Club
Call Number: Library NWp 779 B862 Author: Date: 1974- ]
Title: British Columbia international exhibition of photography
Call Number: Library NW 574.9712 M131 Author: McCowan, Daniel, 1882- Date: 1945.
Title: Outdoors with a camera in Canada, by Dan McCowan.
Call Number: Library NWp 770.75 C212n 1981 Author: National Photography Collection Date: 1981
Title: National photography collection = Collection nationale de photographies
Call Number: Library NW 770 T583c Author: Time-Life Books Date: [1975, c1970]
Title: The camera, by the editors of Time-Life Books. --
Call Number: Library NW 770 T583l Author: Time-Life Books Date: [1975, c1970]
Title: Light and film / by the editors of Time-Life Books.
Call Number: Library NW 779.36 J96 Author: Jussim, Estelle Date: c1985
Title: Landscape as photograph / Estelle Jussim, Elizabeth Lindquist-Cock
Call Number: Library NWp 770.5 C212 Author: Date: 1946-
Title: Canadian camera
Call Number: Library D-20 reel 201 no.2175 Author: Woodbury, Walter E. Date: [1982]
Title: Photographic amusements, including a description of a number of novel effects obtainable with a camera / by Walter E. Woodbury
Call Number: Library NW971K B119 no. 52 Author: Mattison, David Date:
Title: Books and the historical photograph

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