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Copyright Considerations

In 1997 Parliament enacted amendments to the Copyright Act. Various sections of this new law came into effect between 1997 and 1999. The rules governing the copying of archival records have changed.

  1. Works protected by copyright may be copied only if authorized by the Copyright Act for the purpose of fair dealing or under specific exemptions set out in that act; the copyright owner; or a license agreement between the BC Archives and a collective society or a tariff, if any.

  2. The Copyright Act provides for civil and criminal remedies for infringement of copyright
  3. A notice of copyright must be affixed to all material copied for clients. This notice reads:
    "This copy is to be used solely for the purpose of research or private study; and any use of the copy for a purpose other than research or private study may require the authorization of the copyright owner of the work in question."
  4. The Regulations require libraries, archives and museums to undertake new responsibilities in: the documentation of copyrighted works; and the notification of copyright to clients. In order to comply with the new Act, the BC Archives has altered its copying systems and procedures.

Access Services staff are available to answer questions on copyright and will notify researchers if there are any restrictions on their copying order in consequence of the legislation.

See Also - Copying and Reproduction Services.

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Government of British Columbia
Inquiries: Inquiries related to archival holdings, specific records, access, research, or reproduction orders may be submitted via electronic form or Email, as well as by mail or fax.
Home Page: http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca This Page: http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/services/servops/cpyright.htm
Last Modified: Monday, 31-Jul-2000 09:58:02 PDT Maintained by: webmaster@www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca
Copyright: Information on this site is provided for research purposes only. Please review Access and Usage.  Unless indicated otherwise, this page and all contents are Copyright ©, BC Archives, Royal BC Museum.
Records Classification: This site is classified and scheduled under ORCS 15100-25