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Francis George Claudet

Image - Portrait of Francis Claudet Call # G-07034

Francis Claudet was born February 15, 1837, in London, England. Securing an appointment to manage the assay office and mint at New Westminster, Claudet arrived in the Colony of British Columbia from London in February 1860. Sent by Governor James Douglas to San Francisco in November 1861 to purchase equipment for the mint, Claudet may have obtained photographic supplies there. Claudet returned to New Westminster from San Francisco with his mint equipment in March 1862 on the same boat which brought Richard and Hannah Maynard to Victoria.

Though an amateur photographer, some of Claudet's photographs were sent to the London Exhibition of 1862 along with some specimen coins from the mint. He was married in Victoria on September 22, 1863 to Frances Fleury (1836-1899). The youngest son of talented portrait photographer, Antoine Francois Jean Claudet (1797-1867), Francis Claudet's son Frederick G. Claudet of Nanoose Bay, B.C., preserved many of his photographs.

Claudet returned to London, England in 1873, and died April 19, 1906.

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