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Hannah and Richard Maynard

Image - Portrait of Hannah Maynard Call # A-01507

Hannah Hatherly Maynard

Hannah Hatherly Maynard (Mrs. Richard Maynard) was born in Bude, Cornwall, England in 1834. In 1852 she married Richard Maynard, and subsequently emigrated to the Colony of Vancouver Island along with her family in 1862. It is believed that Maynard's Photographic Gallery was opened that same year.

Focusing on commericial portrait photography, she suggested upon her retirement in 1912 that she had photographed almost everyone who had passed through Victoria. While both Hannah and Richard practiced landscape photography, Hannah also experimented with techniques such as photosculpture, multiple exposures and composite images.

Died 1918 in Victoria, British Columbia Canada.

Image - Portrait of Richard Maynard Call # A-01507

Richard Maynard

Richard Maynard was born in Stratton, Cornwall, England in 1832. He had given up bootmaking in Bowmanville in order to mine gold along the Fraser River from 1858 to 1859. Maynard tried gold mining again in 1862, this time in the gold fields of the Stikine Territory, where he was reputed to have made a fortune. He subsequently returned and settled in Victoria as a boot and shoe maker in addition to photographer.

Died 1918 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Excursions within the pacific northwest included:

  1. Barkerville along with his son Albert in 1868
  2. along the east coast of Vancouver Island and the northwest coast of the mainland accompanying Indian Affairs Commissioner I. W. Powell
  3. around Vancouver Island, again with Powell
  4. the Queen Charlotte Islands with Captain Newton H. Chittenden in 1884, and again with Hannah in 1888
  5. the Pribiloff Islands in the Bering Sea in 1892 to photograph seal rookeries
  6. Alaska in 1879, 1882, and 1887

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