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Manitoba Finance

Consumer and Corporate Affairs
   A Division of Manitoba Finance


Abstract Books (Journals Recording Deeds under The Registry Act)
Autopac Appeals
Bedding, Upholstered and Stuffed Articles (BUSA) Regulation P210 R.M., 338/88: Public Health Act
Builders' Lien Registration
Business Names
Business Names Registration Act
Business Practices Act
Caveat Registration (Real Property under The Real Property Act)
Cemeteries Act
Birth Certificate
Change of Name Certificate
Death Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Change of Name Act
Change of Name (PERSONAL)

Change of Name (BUSINESS)
Charities Endorsement Act
Chattel Mortgage: (Registration of Security Interest in:)
City of Winnipeg Act (Part 20 - Planning and Development)
Collateral to Secure Payment
Collection Agencies
Collectors ( Registered Employees of Collection Agencies )

Commodity Futures Act
Comodity Futures Contract

Companies Office
Company Names
Condominium Act (Incorporation, Registration and Termination of Condominiums)
Condominium Act (as related to tenancies)
Consumer Education: Programs
Consumer Protection Act
Cooperatives Act
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act

Corporations Act
Corporation Names
Crown Corporations Public Review and Accountability and Consequential Amendments Act
Deeds (Instruments of Conveyance under The Registry Act)
Direct Sellers
Door - to - Door Sales

Electricity: Utility Rate Setting
Eviction (from Rental Accommodation)
Family Farm Act
Farmlands Ownership Act
Gas Allocation Act
Gas Pipe Line Act (safety of natural gas and propane distribution)
Gladstone Austin Natural Gas Co-op Ltd. (natural gas distribution franchise)
Greater Winnipeg Gas Distribution Act (natural gas distribution franchise)

Health Act
Hearing Aid Act
Hearing Aid Dealers

Highways Protection Act (Appeals)
Housing: Renting
Incorporation (of a business)
Insurance Act
Insurance Corporations Tax Act
Insurance Licensing Appeal Board

Land Transactions Registration
Land Transfers Tax

Leases: Life Leases
Leases: Tenancy Agreement

Licence: Collection Agencies
Licence: Collectors (Registered Employees of Collection Agencies)

Licence: Direct Sellers (Door - to - Door Sales)
Licence: Fraternal Benefit Society
Licence: Insurance Agents
Licence: Insurance Brokers
Licence: Insurers

Licence: Mortgage Dealers
Licence: Mutual Benefit Society
Licence: Property Dealers
Licence: Real Estate Brokers

Licence: Reciprocal Exchange (Insurance)
Licence: Securities Dealers
Licence: Special Brokers (Unlicensed Insurance)
Licence: Vendors
Licence: Mutual Benefit Society
Liens: Builders'
Liens: Personal Property
Liens: Vehicle

Life Leases Act
Life Leases
Limited Partnership
Manitoba Water Services Board Act (Appeals)
Manitoba Hydro (Natural Gas Distribution)
Manitoba Hydro (Utility Rate Setting)
Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI - Auto Insurance Rate Setting)

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act (Part II, Sections 170 - 180) (Auto Injury Appeals)
Marine Insurance Act
Marriage Act
Marriage Commissioners
Marriage Licence

Mediating: Consumer Complaints
Mediating: Landlord and Tenant Disputes
Mortgage Brokers
Mortgage Dealers

Mortgage Registration
Mortgage Sale and Foreclosure
Municipal Act (Part XVI - Taxes)

Municipal Act (water and sewer utility rate regulation - excluding Winnipeg)
Mutual Funds
No Fault Insurance Appeals
Notice to Move (from Residental Accommidation)
Ownership of Land
Partnership Act
Personal Injury Protection Plan
Personal Investigations Act
Personal Property Security Act
Plan Registration (pertaining to Land and Subdivisions)
Planning Act (Part VI - Subdivision Control)
Planning Applications (Subdivision Approval)

Prearranged Funeral Sevices Act
Property Manager
Public Health Act Regulation P210, R.M., 338/88: Bedding, Upholstered and Stuffed Articles
Public Utilites Board Act
Real Property Act
Registration of Rents
Religious Societies Lands Act (Incorporation of Religious Societies)
Religious Societies Lands Act (Registration of Land Titles)
Rent Appeals
Rent Increase: Annual Guideline
Rent Increase: Appeals
Rent Increase: Rent Regulation
Repairs to Rental units
Residential Tenancies Act

Revenue Act - Part III (land transfer tax)
Scholarship Plans
Searches: Business Names
Searches: Corporations
Searches: Trade Names
Securities Act
Securities Plans
Security Deposits
Security Interests in Chattel Mortgage
Security Interests in Collateral

Speakers: Consumers' Bureau
Speakers: Consumer Education Volunteer Program
Speakers: Residential Tenancies Branch
Stittco Utilities Man Ltd. (propane distribution)

Subdivision of Land
Surveys Act (Part I)
Surveys of Lands
Tax Sale Redemption (Payment of Outstanding Property Tax)
Tax Sale Registration (Sale of Land for Tax Arrears)

Tenancy Agreement
Tenant Safety Net Program (Emergency Referral)

Trade Names (registration)
Transfers Registration (Land and Real Property)
Trust and Loan Corporations
Ukrainian Catholic Parishes Act
Vital Services to Rental Units (Utilities: Heat, Light, Water)
Vital Statistics Act
Volunteer Speakers Program: Consumer Education
Volunteer Speakers Program: Tenant Education

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