Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Geoscience Agencies

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ARIS Assessment Reports
Bedrock Mapping
Educational Resources
Exploration & Mines
Geology of BC
Geophysical Data
Geoscience Agencies
Industrial Minerals
MINFILE Mineral Inventory
Mineral Properties Available
Metallic Minerals
Mineral Deposit Profiles
Mineral Potential
Publications Catalogue
Staff: Who Are We?
Surficial Geology & Hazards
Terrain & Soil Maps
What's New

There are three distinct agencies in B.C. where geoscience information pertaining to our province can be found:

bulletGeological Survey of Canada (GSC) is Canada's premier agency for geoscientific information and research, with world-class expertise focusing on geoscience surveys, sustainable development of Canada's resources, environmental protection, and technology innovation.
bulletGeoscience in BC (GBC) is a non-governmental geoscience research centre initiated by the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia announced in January 2005 by Premier Gordon Campbell as part of a $25 million commitment to geoscience research in BC.  Geoscience Publications can obtained from the Geoscience in BC website or :
bulletBC Geological Survey (BCGS) is part of the Provincial Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources which manages the development of British Columbia's mineral resources, and implements policies and programs to encourage their mineral resource development while maintaining environmental integrity. In addition, the Ministry regulates and inspects the exploration and mining mineral production industries in B.C. to protect the workers, the public and the environment.

For questions or more information on geology and minerals in British Columbia please contact BCGS Mailbox or use the toll free number (BC residents only).

This page last updated: December 12, 2006.

BC Geological Survey Home Page


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