Mineral Deposit Profiles
Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Mineral Deposit Profiles

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Published Index
List by Deposit Group
Lithological Listing
Listing by Commodity
Guidelines to Authors
Selected Profiles
All Deposit Groups
Ordering Publications
Examples of Deposits

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ARIS Assessment Reports
Bedrock Mapping
Educational Resources
Exploration & Mines
Geology of BC
Geophysical Data
Geoscience Agencies
Industrial Minerals
MINFILE Mineral Inventory
Mineral Properties Available
Metallic Minerals
Mineral Deposit Profiles
Mineral Potential
Publications Catalogue
Staff: Who Are We?
Surficial Geology & Hazards
Terrain & Soil Maps
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British Columbia Mineral Deposit Profiles Version 2.1

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The British Columbia Geological Survey has published descriptions of many of the mineral deposit types that can be found in the Cordillera. The descriptions (called profiles) provide concise overviews of different deposit types. Economic geologists, prospectors, resource evaluation professionals and students can use the profiles to review the key characteristics of different deposit types including typical examples, tectonic setting, mineralogy, alteration, genetic models, associated deposits, typical grades and tonnages and exploration guides. Over ninety profiles for metal, coal deposits and industrial minerals have been published in three volumes (Open Files 1995-20, 1996-13 and 1999-10). 
bulletPublished Deposit Profiles - Table of Contents
bulletListing by Deposit Group (e.g. porphyry, gems)
bulletListing by Lithological Affinities (e.g. sandstone, granite)
bulletListing by Commodity (e.g. garnet, gold)
bulletOverview of Grade and Tonnage Data
bulletGuidelines for Deposit Profile Authors
bulletSelected Deposit Model References

Ordering Deposit Profile Publications

WB01339_.gif (896 bytes)   Download all published (91 of 156) Deposit Profiles in PDF format (6 MB, 320 pages)

 You can send comments concerning the deposit profiles to: Dave Lefebure.


Mineral Deposit Profiles
This page last updated: October 10, 2006.

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