Ministry of Energy and Mines


bulletTour of The MapPlace (start)
bulletWhat is The MapPlace 1
bulletWhat is The MapPlace 2
bulletOn-line tutorials and Interactive Demos  ...
bulletMapPlace Help ...
bulletFeatures of The MapPlace 1
bulletFeatures of The MapPlace 2
bulletMapPlace Toolbar
bulletMapPlace Popup Menu 1
bulletMapPlace Popup Menu 2
bulletCut and Paste Example
bulletWhat Data is Available 1
bulletWhat Data is Available 2
bulletAvailable Maps
bulletExploration Assistant
bulletUse the Exploration Assistant to select information details:
bulletPlatinum Locations Example
bulletUse the Exploration Assistant to select information details:
bulletCombine Queries
bulletGeological & Occurrence Data
bulletMineral Occurrence Descriptions
bulletGeneral Map
bulletGeneral Map Examples
bulletContours, roads, rail, communities
bulletTheme Maps
bulletBC Relief Map
bulletMineral Titles Map
bulletGeophysical images as raster images of magnetics and thorium ratios
bulletRegional Geophysics gravity, satellite, aeromag
bulletGuichon Batholith
bulletAggregate Potential in Prince George Area
bulletMINFILE/www Searches
bulletARIS Searches
bulletWhat's New
bulletMapGuide Author
bulletShaded Digital Elevation Model (DEM)l
bulletPurcell Assessment Report Library
bulletARIS Summary Report
bulletReports in PDF Format
bulletAutoCad Maps On-Line
bulletSummary Examples
bulletSummary Examples
bulletGeology Query in Exploration Assistant
bulletClaims Due in Exploration Assistant
bulletRed Mountain Area
bulletRed Mountain LandSat
bulletRed Mountain DEM
bulletMINFILE Report
bulletGeochem Data
bulletGeology Legend Report
bulletMineral Title and Assessment Value (end)

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