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Policy and Procedures Manuals

Core Policy and Procedures Manual

The Core Policy and Procedures Manual (CPPM) combines government-wide financial and general management policy and financial administration procedures into a single online reference source. The CPPM outlines government objectives, standards and directives for sound management and promotes consistent, prudent financial administration and practices.

Purchase Card Manual

The Government of British Columbia Purchasing Card Program enables eligible government employees to make small value government purchases up to $5,000. The Purchase Card Manual describes in detail the policies and procedures for managing the Purchasing Card Program.

Cardholder Information Guide

The Government of British Columbia Purchasing Card Program enables eligible government employees to make small value government purchases up to $5,000. The Cardholder Information Guide describes the policies and procedures for using the Purchasing Card.


The information on this website is provided "as is" without warranty. Official versions of the manuals, guides and directives are kept at the Office of the Comptroller General. The website and the contained information are intended for internal government use and are being made available to persons outside of government for informational purposes only. You may not reproduce, transfer or print copies of the contained information for other than internal government purposes or your own information without the express consent of an authorized representative of the Minister of Finance.

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