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Geology Index
Digital Terrain Map Library
Terrain and slope stability related maps in digital format.
Geological Mapping and Resource Studies
Field-based geological mapping and resource evaluation studies.
Land Information BC
A single window to the province’s land and resource information, products and electronic services for business, academia, governments and the public.
Mineral Deposit Profiles
Mineral deposit profiles with guidelines for authors.
Mineral Titles Online
Using "Mineral Titles Online," a free miner will acquire mining rights by selecting a claim on an electronic map, rather than staking a claim on the ground.
Minfile: Mineral Inventory
Geological, location and economic information on over 12,000 metallic, industrial mineral and coal mines, deposits and occurrences in B.C.
Mining Exploration Tax Credit
Mining exploration tax credit information and forms for eligible individuals and corporations conducting grassroots mineral exploration.
Mining Sector
A online database of Mineral Titles outlining the basic procedures involved in locating, recording and maintaining mineral and placer titles. BCEID required.
Mining Statistics
Provincial mining statistics.
Mining Tax
Mining tax information and forms.
Oil and Gas Commission
Oil and Gas Commission related forms and checklists (includes pipelines, wells, geophysical, forestry, roads and streams).
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