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Refuse and Recycling Index
Beverage Containers
A Product Stewardship Program exists in B.C. that requires all beverage brand-owners of ready-to-drink beverages — with the exception of milk, milk substitutes, liquid-meal replacements and infant formula — to operate a province-wide return collection system for beverage containers using a deposit-refund scheme.
Environment Product Stewardship Program
Product Stewardship is a system based on industry and consumers taking life-cycle responsibility for the products they produce and use. Product stewardship programs in British Columbia are currently focused on used vehicle tires, oil and batteries; pharmaceutics; household hazardous waste; beverage containers; paint.
Lead-Acid Batteries
A Product Stewardship Program exists in B.C. that ensures the safe collection and eventual processing of end-of-life vehicle batteries. Funding comes from a $5 levy collected on the sale of all new vehicle type lead-acid batteries weighing more than 2 kg.
A Product Stewardship Program exists in B.C. that requires all brand-owners of pharmaceutical products sold in B.C. to take cradle-to-cradle responsibility for the safe management of their products.
A Product Stewardship Program exists in B.C. that requires producers and consumers of consumer paints to take responsibility for management of their leftovers or wastes. It provides consumers with a safe and convenient method to manage unwanted and waste paints.
Scrap Tires
A Product Stewardship Program exists in B.C. that ensures the safe collection and processing of car and light-truck scrap tires. Funding comes through a levy at retail of $3 per tire.
Septic System Program
Homeowners guide on septic systems maintenance and troubleshooting.
Solvents / Flammable Liquids, Gas, Pesticides
A Product Stewardship Program exists in B.C. that requires the producers and consumers of solvents/flammable liquids, domestic pesticides, and gasoline to take responsibility for the management of their leftovers or wastes.
Used Lubricating Oil
A Product Stewardship Program exists in B.C. that requires motor oil and related product brand owners to ensure the collection and proper handling of used motor oil, oil filters and oil containers of 30 litres or less.
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