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Office of the Assisted Living Registrar

British Columbia is the first province in Canada to regulate assisted living residences. An assisted living Registrar has been appointed under the Act to protect the health and safety of seniors and people with disabilities who are living in assisted living residences.

All public and private assisted living residences are required to be registered with the office of the assisted living Registrar by September 30, 2004 under new legislation (PDF 51KB) that came into force on May 14, 2004.

Registration packages were sent out on July 19, 2004 and are due at the Registrar's office by Sept. 3, 2004. If you have not received a registration package by August 2, 2004, please contact the Registrar.

Registration Packages
Note: Completed forms cannot be saved online.

This web site contains information on the new legislation and the newly opened Office of the Assisted Living Registrar. It tells you how to contact the Registrar if you have a concern about an assisted living residence. The site also contains up to date information about a consultation process that was completed in December 2003 on the assisted living framework, health and safety standards and complaint resolution process. The Registrar is working with stakeholders to finalize the health and safety standards and registration process for assisted living residences for seniors and people with disabilities.

This site has been updated to reflect the proclamation of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act on May 14, 2004.

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Last Revised: November 27, 2006

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