Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
Assisted Living Registration Project
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A New Era for Assisted Living

The Community Care and Assisted Living Act will protect seniors and people with disabilities by providing for health and safety standards for assisted living residences. The assisted living Registrar, who took office on Nov 10, 2003, will oversee the administration of the Act as it relates to assisted living.

Under the Act, all assisted living residences that meet the definition in the Act must be registered with the Office of the Assisted Living Registrar by Sept 30, 2004 and uphold health and safety standards, which will be contained in regulations. These regulations will also be brought into force on Sept 30, 2004. The requirement to register applies to both publicly and privately owned assisted living residences.

The interim period between May and the registration deadline in September 2004 will give operators time to register their assisted living residences. During this period, the Registrar has the authority to investigate health and safety concerns in assisted living residences, including the power to conduct inspections.

The Ministry of Community Services is leading an inter-ministry review of issues related to tenure and service protection in supportive and assisted tenancies. More information on this initiative will be provided in the coming months.

Last Revised: November 24, 2006

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