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Housing Policy Branch

The Housing Policy Branch is responsible for developing provincial housing policy, strategies and programs and for providing policy advice on specific issues such as the residential construction industry, leaky condos, housing markets, social housing, homelessness, housing for persons with special needs, and the role of local government in housing. The branch also publishes research and guides on housing issues.

What's New

Local Government Tools to Counter NIMBY
Many local governments have developed policies and procedures that achieve superior results in dealing with the development of special needs housing and not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY). The experiences of five communities have been documented in case studies that may assist other local governments that are working to address homelessness and special housing needs. The following case studies examine the development of special needs housing facilities in Kamloops, Victoria, Nanaimo, Prince George, and Red Deer, Alberta.

Housing Consultations: Challenges and Opportunities in Northeast BCThis May 2006 report, a result of a partnership between the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, the Office of Housing and Construction Standards (Housing Policy Branch) and BC Housing to explore the issues related to housing in Northeast British Columbia, has been presented to the northeast British Columbia local governments for their decision regarding priorities and the ways and means to address them.

The Housing Policy Branch has recently published two guides for local governments on how to improve affordable housing in their communities. The guides present illustrations of local governments across British Columbia making positive changes to increase the supply and affordability of housing.

The guides highlight innovative practices and provide practical information for elected local government officials, planners and others to consider when embarking on new affordable housing initiatives.

Secondary Suites: A Guide for Local Governments   Local Government Guide for Improving Market Housing Affordability
Secondary Suites: Updated Sept. 2005 A Guide for Local Governments (2005)
  Local Government Guide for Improving Market Housing Affordability (2005)
Designed to help local governments develop and implement secondary suite programs. Highlights practices intended to promote affordability, stability and quality in housing stock.   Guide illustrates how local governments in B.C. are making positive changes to increase supply and general affordability of market housing.

Please contact the Housing Policy Branch at:

609 Broughton Street
PO Box 9844 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9T2

telephone: (250) 387-7088
facsimilie: (250) 387-5120
email: housing.policy@gov.bc.ca

