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Premier’s Task Force on Homelessness, Mental Illness and Addictions

What’s New

Local Government Tools to Counter NIMBY
Many local governments have developed policies and procedures that achieve superior results in dealing with the development of special needs housing and not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY). The experiences of five communities have been documented in case studies that may assist other local governments that are working to address homelessness and special housing needs. The following case studies examine the development of special needs housing facilities in Kamloops, Victoria, Nanaimo, Prince George, and Red Deer, Alberta.

Task Force Information

Task Force Background

At the UBCM conference in September 2004, the Premier announced the creation of the Premier’s Task Force on Homelessness, Mental Illness and Addictions. The mandate of Task Force is to develop innovative strategies to help people with addictions and mental illness move from temporary shelters to long-term, stable housing where their needs can be better met.

The Task Force brings together provincial and local governments to develop new resources to address issues related to homelessness. The Task Force members include the Premier, Ministers responsible for Employment and Income Assistance, Health and Housing, and mayors from the Cities of Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Prince George, New Westminster and Surrey.

With matching federal and provincial funding under Phase II of the Canada/BC Affordable Housing Agreement, the Premier’s Task Force on Homelessness, Mental Illness and Addictions announced 533 new supportive housing units and shelter spaces. All of these units combine housing with appropriate social and medical supports to help vulnerable individuals break the cycle of homelessness. The Task Force also increased funding to the Emergency Shelter Program (ESP) by 40 per cent resulting in an increase in year-round shelter beds from 711 to 868 and cold wet weather beds from 197 to 391.

At the September 2005 UBCM conference, Minister Responsible for Housing Rich Coleman announced that the Task Force would broaden its mandate to include perspectives of smaller communities and regions experiencing homelessness. Since this time, the Office of Housing and Construction Standards, Ministry of Forests and Range have been working to lay out a work plan and meeting schedule for the Task Force in 2006.

Task Force Meetings

The Task Force will meet twice a year, each time in a different Task Force community. The latest Task Force meeting was held in October 2006.

Local Government Forums

Eight regional forums between provincial authorities and local governments took place in June 2006. Forums were held in Castlegar, Kamloops, Smithers, Fort St. John, Abbotsford, North Vancouver, Campbell River and Colwood. The regional forums were attended by 56 local governments, and provincial representation included BC Housing, Ministry of Forests and Range, Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance, Ministry of Children and Family Development, and all Health Authorities. The consultations provided an opportunity to share best practices with communities, raise regional and local issues, and initiate a discussion of local solutions. Summaries of the forums will be posted online in the late fall.

Community Forums

Eight web-based forums on homelessness were held during September 2006. Participants included over 90 non profit organizations, service providers, and interested parties. A summary report of the community forums will be posted online in the late fall.

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