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Safety Policy and Liaison Branch

The ministry's Safety Policy and Liaison Branch is responsible for developing and implementing a modern legislative framework for regulated products and processes that balances the safety, economic and social concerns of all British Columbians.

In order to increase public safety and to ensure that loss of life, injury and property damage are minimized, the ministry's Safety Policy and Liaison Branch:

  • establishes and reviews the safety policy and legislative framework for the province in the areas of electrical, gas, elevating devices, aerial tramways, amusement rides, boiler and pressure vessel products and systems, and railways;
  • manages the administrative agreements with delegated authorities under the Safety Standards Act and the Railway Safety Act;
  • issues operating permits under the Railway Safety Act;
  • oversees and provides support for the Safety Standards Appeal Board;
  • promotes British Columbia's interest in the harmonization of national, technical safety standards; and
  • works with the Homeowner Protection Office to strengthen consumer protection for buyers of new homes and improving quality of residential construction.

The branch is responsible for the following legislation.

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Contact Information

Kristina Stevens
Director, Safety Policy & Liaison Branch
Office of Housing and Construction Standards
PO Box 9844 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9T2


Telephone: (250) 387-4095
Facsimile: (250) 387-6212

 site updated: March 24, 2005


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