Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

Base Mapping and Geomatic Services

Cadastral Base Map

The origin of the Cadastral Base Map initiative, some 4 years ago, arose from the objective of answering the question asked by many areas of Government and the private sector –

“Where is the Crown Land in the Province?”

The answer lies in bringing together data from over one hundred sources, reconciling and integrating it spatially and applying attributes from multiple record systems. Creation of an all inclusive cadastral fabric for the province involves the building of a spatial database representing the registered legal structure of land parcels in a contiguous and seamless way.

A non-profit organization called, The Integrated Cadastral Information Society ( ICIS ) was formed. ICIS forms a partnership between local and provincial governments and utility companies to evaluate and fit land data into a provincial parcel base. As part of the provincial government's contribution, the Cadastral Base Map section at BMGS will create an improved common cadastral base map as a single source of land management data for a wide variety of applications.

The Cadastral Base Map Section is responsible for:

  • managing and maintaining the geo-referenced, spatial database representing the registered legal structure of land parcels in the Province
  • developing and administering Provincial standards and specifications relevant to cadastral mapping
  • providing leadership and expertise in the development of a cadastral record management GIS system and interacting with the many local governments in British Columbia to facilitate consistency of standards and data sharing efficiencies

