Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

Base Mapping and Geomatic Services

Corporate Watershed Base (CWB)

The Corporate Watershed Base (CWB) formerly known as TRIM Watershed Atlas(TWA) is the creation of a corporate watershed atlas that defines watershed boundaries by height of land and provides a stream and lake network for water management and fisheries information.

The CWB Project adds functionality to TRIM 1:20,000 digital topographic base map data for the entire Province of British Columbia in order to provide:

  • An intelligent, connected feature-coded stream network essential for GIS analysis and presentation of aquatic information for use in allocation decisions, planning processes and environmental monitoring; and
  • Associated heights-of-land (HoL) information that will be the standard source at 1:20,000 for defining cadastral tenure and other administrative boundaries in the province and for watershed boundary generation and analysis

Status: A fully connected stream network for the province (Stage 1) was completed at end of August 2003. Concurrent to this work a series of new algorithms are being developed to add additional attribution to the network and to link it to the 1:50K Watershed Atlas. This work will continue into Fiscal 2004-2005.