Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

Base Mapping and Geomatic Services

Digital Road Atlas

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roadThe Digital Road Atlas (DRA) is a data management system representing a complete and accurate road network of all the roads in British Columbia.

Through the active participation and support of the DRA Partners, the data in the DRA has been compiled from multiple existing sources, such as TRIM, Ministry of Forest resource roads and Ministry of Transportation highway information.

An update mechanism that works with each source of data ensures the DRA remains current and relevant. Data errors are reported by users via a web-based application to complete the feedback loop and continually improve the data.

The DRA is a database that includes a combination of spatial data, road geometry, and attribute data such as address information. It includes everything from resource roads to alleyways, with road information obtained from aerial photos to roads driven with GPS referencing. Roads and intersections are represented geometrically as centerlines and points, respectively.

The DRA can resolve spatial queries concerning general location, routing, position, and distance along a route. Additionally, DRA can support non-spatial queries based on such data as the road attributes, data source, or date/method of capture. The DRA can support the real time positioning that is required for vehicle navigation applications.

The DRA is provided as a program that offers data products and services to government agencies and private partners within the province. It is used to support a wide range of business applications. Some examples include:

The list of clients, partners and possible uses for DRA continues to grow. Go to the Partners List for more details and information on DRA usage. Data services are included in the DRA program to ensure clients are able to maximize the information available.

Data compilation, data integration and data transformation are examples of services that are available to assist clients that may have limited GIS capabilities or who have specific data delivery requirements. Regularly scheduled updates are delivered to clients as part of the DRA program.

For more information on the DRA, the DRA Program and how you can obtain the data, contact Base Mapping & Geomatic Services.