Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

Base Mapping and Geomatic Services


  • Base Mapping and Geomatic Services Branch (BMGS) is composed of a team of Geomatics Technologists and Professionals who specialize in the provision of base map and georeferencing data, Corporate data sets and derived products as well as derived information to clients in government and the private sector.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Sets standards for base mapping and land related information systems, and for related remote sensing and survey control functions in the province.

  • Manages the official coordinate reference system in BC, consisting of 50,000 monuments and 10 ground stations for satellite positioning used for engineering, navigation and mapping.

  • Provides standardized base mapping, including the 3-dimensional Terrain Resource Information Management (TRIM) program, Digital Road Atlas, TRIM Watershed Atlas – for use by government, industry and the public.

  • Responsible for naming geographical features in B.C.

  • Manages the provincial Aerial Photography Program to acquire air photos to meet the operational needs of the provincial government. An air photo library and a reproduction lab ensures access to these resources by the public and private sectors.

Provincial Baseline Atlas Geo-Spatial Reference Air Photo and Lab Services Specifications