Integrated Registry Branch

Who We Are

The Integrated Registry Branch is an operating unit within the Integrated Land Management Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. The Branch is wholly located at 3400 Davidson Avenue in Victoria.

The Branch comprises 49.5 FTE’s and includes a mixture of management, technical and administrative personnel. Branch staff specialize in the provision of land and resource Crown cadastre information through spatial and attribute updates. The Branch is a major contributor to the Ministry’s goal of leadership in geographic and spatial information that supports economic development, land use planning, treaty negotiations and other land based decision making processes within the province. The Branch’s clients are both within government and external to government and include the private sector, local government, professionals, and the public.

The Branch Management Team consists of the Director, Managers, and Unit Heads including a representative from the Corporate Services Division. This Team meets bi-weekly to review all Branch activities and issues to ensure that the Branch is responding to the directives, objectives and goals within this plan and the Ministry and Division.

Why We Exist

The Integrated Registry Branch operates the Crown Land Registry (Tantalis) and also is responsible for specialized land and resource status information, compilation and maintenance of a survey parcel (Crown and private) fabric, and the provision of Crown cadastre digital document images and cadastral data.

The Branch also has the responsibility to lead the development, deployment and operation of the Integrated Land and Resource Registry Project, a key project for the Ministry.

Key functions within the Branch include the provision of:

  1. Leadership, coordination and liaison regarding the management of cadastre information for Crown land and resources.
  2. Build and maintain a provincial survey parcel fabric.
  3. Leadership, management and coordination of the Integrated Land and Resource Registry Project (ILRRP).
  4. Provide expert interpretation and adudication in specialized statusing for land, subsurface and forestry tenures.
  5. Provide electronic access to the Crown Land Registry.

Operating Environment

The Branch has embraced the Bureau's mission to provide client-focused, high quality, integrated Crown land and resource management and information services to British Columbians. The Bureau's vision sees:

"Exceptional client services concerning Crown land, resources and information that support a vibrant BC economy."

The Bureau has also undertaken the challenge to create a client focused organizational culture. The Branch will continue to be actively engaged in a variety of initiatives and ongoing activities that will incorporate the client focus emphasis now underway within the Bureau.The Bureau has also undertaken the challenge to create a client focused organizational culture. The Branch will continue to be actively engaged in a variety of initiatives and ongoing activities that will incorporate the client focus emphasis now underway within the Bureau.

The Bureau is committed to provide client-focused, high quality, integrated Crown land and resource management and information services to British Columbians.
Integrated Registry Branch

Survey Fabric

Land Statusing

Integrated Land and Resource Registry Project