Land Use Planning

What's New >>

The Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) is responsible for developing new plans for the management of Crown land and natural resources as well as maintenance of B.C.'s existing land use planning legacy.

Land use plans provide increased certainty and form the foundation for balanced solutions that meet economic, environmental, and social requirements. Land use plans guide not only government decision makers, but also those seeking natural resource development opportunities.

The ILMB monitors and periodically updates existing land use plans based on new scientific data and direction on species management, changing market and societal demands, and the impacts of natural events such as the mountain pine beetle infestation and wildfires.

What's New

  • Dawson Creek draft land use objectives now available for review and comment by January 12, 2007
    • Draft land use objectives for the Dawson Creek LRMP area have been released for public review and comment. The objectives pertain to old forest retention for the purpose of the Forest and Range Practices Act.
    • The official notice, draft Minister's order and maps can be downloaded here.

    Written comments should be delivered to the Fort St John office of ILMB before 4:30 pm January 12, 2007.

  • Now Posted: Proposed Land Use Objectives relating to the Central Coast of B.C. for 60 day review and comment by December 6, 2006

Written comments should be delivered to the Nanaimo office of ILMB by December 6, 2006.

  • Okanagan-Shuswap draft land use objectives now available for review and comment
    • Draft land use objectives for the Okanagan-Shuswap LRMP area have been released for public review and comment. The objectives pertain to access, coarse woody debris, forest health, recreation, riparian management, visual quality, and wildlife for the purpose of the Forest and Range Practices Act.
    • The official notice, draft Minister's order and maps can be downloaded here.

Written comments should be delivered to the Kamloops office of ILMB before November 13, 2006.

  • On July 27, 2006 the Clayoquot Sound Central Region Board announced, on behalf of the Parties to the Interim Measures Extension Agreement (IMEA), endorsement of an additional eight watershed plans, bringing the total plan to 11 official watershed plans that cover over 77 per cent of Clayoquot Sound.