Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

Base Mapping and Geomatic Services
General Information for Base Map Online Store Clients

Currency: All prices indicated throughout the order are in Canadian dollars.

Order Cost: The total cost of the order includes the product costs, service costs (if any), applicable taxes and shipping charges (if any). On your VISA or Mastercard statement please look for a billing charge from the Base Map Online Store.


  • 7% B.C. Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and 6% Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be added to an order as applicable;
  • All products delivered through the internet are subject to GST. ( e.g. you view the product online or download the product);
  • All products delivered through the internet (viewed online or downloaded) are not subject to PST;
  • Hardcopy products delivered to an address outside of BC (but within Canada) are not subject to PST;
  • Hardcopy products delivered to an address outside of Canada are not subject to GST or PST;
  • Certain clients in British Columbia or elsewhere in Canada may be exempt either PST or GST or both. It is the responsibility of the client to confirm exemption status with the applicable tax agency, and where required, provide adequate verification to the Base Map Online Store before a user account profile is setup with a tax exemption*. For BCeID's, this information is necessary during the initial registration process and may require that you have more than one BCeID. Please note: Tax exemptions will only be reflected in orders subsequent to a tax exemption rule being applied to your user account profile. Contact Base Map Online Store Customer Support for further information.

* For BC government employees using a valid IDIR account this is not required. Applicable exemptions will be applied automatically.

Product Delivery Times: Online products such as TRIM Positional Maps will be available to download in the format you requested. You will be sent an email with an ftp link to pickup your order. Online orders will be available to pickup for a period of 7 days. After 7 days, your order will be purged from the ftp server. For offline orders where human intervention is required (such as hardcopy air photo prints or digital orthophotos) the Data Distributor may include a message on the Order Summary page indicating how long it will take for your order to be processed (times may vary depending on the product ordered). Average product delivery times are also posted here.

Order Cancellation: Please check over the details of your order very carefully to ensure that you have selected the correct products before clicking Submit and Pay. After your credit card payment is processed, the order cannot be cancelled by you online. For certain products (such as hardcopy air photo prints), it may be possible to cancel the order after it has been submitted, provided that it has not yet been processed (or partially processed). If you wish to cancel an order that has been placed by you, please send an email to Base Map Online Store Customer Support with the Order Number and the specific details (please see Refund Policy). If it is possible for the order to be cancelled, you will be advised by email. In the event that a refund (or partial refund) is approved, the credit will show up on your VISA or Mastercard statement in due course.

Refund Policy: NO SHIPMENTS ARE MADE C.O.D. AND MATERIAL ONCE ORDERED HAS NO RETURNABLE VALUE. The exception is when incorrect items are shipped or items are damaged during shipment, and are returned within seven (7) days of receipt. Refunds will only be approved at the sole discretion of the Data Distributor. 

Resellers: For air photo products, you may wish to use the services of a Private Air Photo Agent. Please see the description by clicking here 

Product Discounts: If you are a TRIM Data Exchange Agreement (DEA) partner or an Educational Institution in British Columbia, you may be entitled to receive certain products at reduced or no charge. Please send an email to Base Map Online Store Customer Support for further information. They will forward your request to the appropriate Data Distributor.


This Page Last Updated: February 8, 2006