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Adult Learning
Adult Learning

Did you think that if you didn’t graduate as a teenager you missed your only chance at secondary school graduation? Nothing could be further from the truth. Complete your high-school diploma in the company of other adults – it’s not too late.

If you’re 19 years or older, you are eligible to work on your B.C. Adult Graduation Diploma (also known as the Adult Dogwood). And, if you’re 18 and have been out of school for least a year, you may be admitted to an adult program with approval from the enrolling institution.

There are countless reasons to get your Adult Dogwood. Here are a few:

  • Increase your job prospects
  • Meet entry requirements for community college, technical institute and university
  • Gain personal satisfaction by finishing secondary school

Sound good? There are programs at school districts and post-secondary institutions that can help you earn your Adult Dogwood.

Is it right for me?

Four out of every 10 adults who live in British Columbia have not graduated from secondary school. And one in four of these adults has less than a Grade 9 education. That's why thousands of people decide to continue learning each year, and many of them enter adult programs.

You won't be the only adult in a class full of teenagers — you will be with other adult learners in an adult environment.

In many programs, you start at your own level and go on at your own pace. Most programs allow you to study full-time, part-time, at night or in the day.

Tuition: free!

All classes leading toward graduation are tuition-free. However, there may be some charges and deposits for resources and books.

If you have already graduated and you want to upgrade some courses, you will have to pay tuition for those courses.

How many classes do I have to take?

  • A Language Arts 12 and
  • a Mathematics 11 or 12 and
  • three Grade 12 ministry-authorized courses or Social Studies 11 and two Grade 12 ministry-authorized courses.

Do I need to take the provincial exams?

If you aren't planning to study at a post-secondary institution after you earn your Adult Dogwood, you don't need to write any provincial exams. However, if you plan to go on to university, you should check with the institution to find out which courses are necessary for the program you hope to enter. Then, you will write any applicable exams that go along with those courses.

Does my work experience count?

Yes! Sometimes work experience can count towards earning a credit if it's in an area that's closely matched with Ministry of Education curriculum. The Adult Dogwood program also recognizes life experience — that's why the graduation program is shorter for adults than it is for school-aged students in secondary school.

How do I get started?

Contact your local school district or local college and ask to talk to an advisor about adult education in your area.

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