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How to Land a Job
How to Land a Job

Many people spend a long time searching before getting the green light from an employer. Much depends on your education, skills and experience, of course, but things like attitude, preparedness and appearance also count. Use the information in this section to help you focus your search and make the most of your best assets, whatever they may be.

Career Tips
Planning for a new career? Congratulations.
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» Career Planning Process » Parents Helping Teens
» Career Tools » More Information
» Career Programs    
Job Search Materials
Writing resumes and cover letters and filling out application forms is a necessary part of the job search process.
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» Completing an Application Form » Cold Calling an Employer
» Applying Online    
Job Site Links
Whether you’re looking for a job or starting your own business, you’re more likely to succeed if you do your homework ahead of time.
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» Finding a Job in B.C. » Adult Basic Education Information
» Jobs of the Future    
Beginning Your Job Search
There's so much out there in today's job market, it can be difficult to know where to begin. The good news is there are more ways to search out jobs than ever before.
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» Job Search Basics » Ways to Look for Work
» Other Ways to Find Jobs » Where to Look for a Job
Identifying Your Skills
It's important to do a self-inventory because you may have skills or relevant experience that may be just what a prospective employer is looking for in a particular job. Don't sell yourself short.
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» What Employers Are Looking For » What You Can Offer
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How to Land a Job
Best Place on Earth to Work
How to Start your Own Business
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Career Planning Tools
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