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Your Education System
Your Education System

Is the system working? Find out by reviewing new policies such as accountability, contracts and open boundaries. Learn about education funding and what education trends say about how B.C. students stack up against other provinces and other countries.

Read about the new Accountability Cycle, a continuous process aimed at improving student achievement throughout the public school system.
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» District Accountability Contracts » District Review Teams
» School Planning Councils    
Learn how education funding is spent in British Columbia. School district operating grants and funds for school capital projects are delivered in stable, multi-year envelopes that help school boards in their long-term planning and budgeting.
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» Education Capital Plan for 2005-2008 » Provincial Education Budget
» 2004/05 School District Operating Grants Estimate
» School Maintenance Funding
System Facts
Learn about trends in education in B.C., such as school completion rates and the results of the Foundation Skills Assessment.
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» Grade-to-grade Pass Rate » Computer Availability and Use in Schools
» School Completion Rate » High School to Post-secondary Transition
» Grade 12 Provincial Exams » Graduate Satisfaction
Open Boundaries
Read about the new open boundaries policy, which has given every student in B.C. the right to attend any school in the province, space permitting.
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» Choosing a School in British Columbia - A Checklist for Parents
» Un plus grand choix
» Developing More Choices Within the K-12 Public Education System
» Le choix d’une école en C.-B.
Programs and Services for Parents
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Programs and Services for Students
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Programs and Services for Educational Professionals
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Achieve BC News Releases
Back to School Tips
New Post-Secondary Student Spaces
Jobs Info and What's New
How to Land a Job
Best Place on Earth to Work
How to Start your Own Business
School Choices
School Profile
Career Planning Tools
Pregnant: Healthy and Happy
Baby: First Year
Toddler: 1-3 Years
Children: 3-5 Years
Support for Parents
Helping Your Children Stay Healthy
Helping Your Children Learn
Getting Involved with Your School
Your Education System
Secondary Students
Post-secondary Students
Applying to Register Online
Student Financial Assistance
Adult Learning
Career Planning
B.C. Achievers
Premier's Excellence Awards
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