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VitalCheck Network

Frequently Asked Questions


What is this service, and what is available?

The Vital Event Image Gateway is a portal to an external service (the eNetWizard / VitalChek Network web site) that will, for a fee, provide digital images of Vital Event registration records via email.

PLEASE NOTE: This service is NOT operated by BC Archives. BC Archives only provides links to this service for the convenience of clients.

Please Note: eNetWizard / VitalChek Network does not provide any other BC Archives information resources or services.

How do I order a digital image of a vital event registration?

  1. Search the on-line Vital Event Indexes on the BC Archives web site to find the record(s) you are interested in.
  2. Click on the blue number or the page icon on the left for the desired record. Click on the VitalChek Network link near the botton of the single record display page.
  3. At the Vital Event Image Gateway, select the Add Product to Shopping Basket button. You will be transferred to the eNetWizard / VitalChek web site. First time customers will be asked to create a customer account; returning customers can simply log on. The item will then be added to your Shopping Basket.
  4. If you wish to continue to search the BC Archives web site, click on the Return to that Site hyperlink to return to the BC Archives web site, or use your browser’s Back button to return to your previous search results.
  5. When you have completed the selections for your shopping cart, click on the View Shopping Basket hyperlink or button. You will be transferred back to the eNetWizard / VitalChek Network web site which will handle all aspects of your order. You can review items in your shopping basket, and remove items if you wish.
  6. When you have completed all your selections, return to your Shopping Basket, and click on the Purchase This Basket button to purchase the items. The eNetWizard / VitalChek Network web site provides Credit Card authorization services for VISA, MasterCard, and American Express.
  7. Once the credit card transaction has been authorized, any digital image(s) you have ordered will be sent as e-mail attachments to the e-mail address that you specify.

Can I return to my shopping basket at a later date?

Your shopping basket will be available on the eNetWizard / VitalChek Network web site for 30 days if you wish to add more items or complete your purchase at a later date.

If you have previously set up a Shopping Basket, use the following button to return to the eNetWizard / VitalChek Network web site:

Is my order information secure?

Your Internet order will be handled by eNetWizard / VitalChek Network on its web site. For information regarding security of your order information, please consult the eNetWizard / VitalChek Network FAQ on this matter.

Will personal information from my order be kept confidential?

When you search the on-line indexes, you are on the BC Archives public web site, which does not collect or maintain personal information regarding accesses (See the BC Government Privacy Statement). After selecting either of the Add Product to Shopping Basket or View Shopping Basket buttons, you are then transferred to the VitalChek Network web site for creating and processing your order.

The BC Archives web site does not collect or maintain any information related to your order.

For information regarding eNetWizard / VitalChek Network and confidentiality of personal information, please consult the VitalChek Network FAQ on this matter.

Who do I contact if I have a problem with my order?

The eNetWizard / VitalChek Network web site will handle questions about credit card charges and any other problem you may have with your order. Please go to the VitalChek Network Customer Help page for assistance, or contact the BC Vital Statistics Agency (www.vs.gov.bc.ca).

The BC Archives does not obtain, nor maintain, any information related to your order. BC Archives cannot respond to any inquiry related to the viewing or ordering of digital images of Vital Event Registrations.

Why does the index sometimes show more than one entry for the record?

The index may contain multiple entries with the same registration number:

  1. The index has been corrected, and contains both the original and a corrected entry.
  2. The registration has been amended. The index shows the information on the record before and after the amendment.
  3. Multiple events were recorded on the same registration.
  4. Two registrations were assigned the same registration number in error. You will receive registration documents for both records as part of a single scanned image file.

Why are scanned images not available for all records?

Only a portion of the records have been converted to digital image format at the present. Currently, approximately 10% of the death registrations and 75% of the marriage registrations are available for purchase in digital image format.

The British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency intends to digitize all records that have been publicly released on microfilm. The Vital Event Indexes will be updated periodically to reflect this.

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Government of British Columbia
Inquiries: Inquiries related to archival holdings, specific records, access, research, or reproduction orders may be submitted via electronic form or Email, as well as by mail or fax.
Home Page: http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca This Page: http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/services/inquiry/faqs/vchekfaq.htm
Last Modified: Thursday, 06-Apr-2006 11:31:29 PDT Maintained by: webmaster@www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca
Copyright: Information on this site is provided for research purposes only. Please review Access and Usage.  Unless indicated otherwise, this page and all contents are Copyright ©, BC Archives, Royal BC Museum.
Records Classification: This site is classified and scheduled under ORCS 15100-25