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B.C. Home    Integrated Land Management Bureau    ILMB Corporate Metadata Service

Integrated Land Management Bureau

ILMB Discovery Service


Land Information Data Discovery

This service allows you to discover Land and Resource Data Holdings. You can find core information about the data such as title, description, custodian, location, and format.
  • Conduct a simple search using the search function below. Default Theme View lists collections. Uncheck Theme View to list all metadata.
  • Browse the data. A good place to get started and to see what kinds of data are held.
  • Conduct a more advanced search using one or more search criteria.
    You do not have to login to use the Discovery Service, but to order some data or contribute metadata you will have to login

    Search   help
    Theme View: Help
    Results Per Page:
    Orderable Online Help
    Main LRDW Datastore
    Digital Data Only Help
  • Advanced Search for information by providing one or more search criteria (such as keyword, date, location).
  • Browse through information by "drilling down" through a set of pre-defined categories.

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