Responsibilities | Real Estate

Schedule Of Fees Under The Real Estate Development Marketing Act


Filing a disclosure statement in respect of
a) 9 or fewer development units $300
b) 10 to 49 development units $600
c) 50 to 99 development units $1200
d) 100 or more development units $1800
Filing an application for an exemption under section 20 in respect of
a) 9 of fewer development units $300
b) 10 to 49 development units $600
c) 50 to 99 development units $1200
d) 100 or more development units $1800
Filing an amendment to a disclosure statement $200
To examine or obtain a photocopy of a public filing

$38 plus 50 cents
per copied page

All cheques should be made payable to:
The Minister of Finance
To pay by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) please click on the link below under “Payment” .

No Refunds

All filings of Disclosure Statements, Amendments and Applications for Exemptions must be filed with the required fee in order for FICOM to process the filing. ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. If an applicant withdraws a filing or an application, or the filing or application is found to be deficient, fees will not be refunded.


Payment of fees may be made by cheque, VISA or MasterCard and must be payable to the Minister of Finance. If making payment by credit card, please print the form located here , fill in the form and submit the form with the application.

For further details on fee payments, please see Information Bulletin REDMA-06-01, Fees Payable under the Real Estate Development Marketing Act.



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