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Textual Records Catalogue - Subject Cross Reference


Gabriola Island - Gadsden, Allan - Gaffney, Mason - Gage Educational Publishing - Gaglardi, Philip Arthur, 1913- - Gagnon, Joseph - Galbraith, Robert L.T. - Galena Bay - Galiano Island - Galiano Island - Gallagher, W.J. - Gallop, R.S. - Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933 - Game bird management - Game protection - Game-laws - Gammage, James - Gang Ranch - Ganges (H.M. Ship) - Ganner, Elijah - Garden, James Ford, 1847-1914 - Gardom, Basil, 1875-1961 - Gardom, Garde Basil, 1924- - Garibaldi Park - Garland, Aileen, 1892- - Garrard family (Edward Burdett Garrard, d. 1917) - Garrard, Edward Burdett, d. 1917 - Garrett, Alexander Charles, 1832-1924 - Gas, Natural - Gatcho Lake - Gathercole, Peter W. - Geddes, John G. - Gem (Idaho) - Genealogy - General stores - Geneva - Genge, Gertrude Alice (Rithet), 1876-1945 - Genn, Kenneth Reginald, 1905-1982 - Genn, Reginald, 1871-1953 - Geoghegan, Dorothy Rachel, 1896- - Geology - George (Snow) - George Gold-Copper Mining Company - George Straith, Ltd. - George V, King of Great Britain, 1865-1936 - Georgetown Mills - Georgian Club - Geriatrics - Germaine, W.L. - Germans in British Columbia - Germansen Creek - Gibbs, George, 1815-1873 - Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar, 1823-1915 - Gibson's Landing - Gibson, C. - Gibson, George Selkirk, 1867-1942 - Gibson, Gordon Fullerton, 1937- - Gibson, James Ronald, 1937- - Gibson, John Wesley, 1874-1954 - Gibson, John, d. 1922 - Gibson, R. - Giesecke, E.W. - Gilchrist, George - Gilchrist, Thomas, 1904-1981 - Gilford Island - Gill, James Cavers - Gillespie, Erroll Pilkington, 1893-1988 - Gilley Bros. Limited - Gilley, Sarah Jane (Rogers) - Gilley, Walter Ruthven, 1859- - Gilliam, Laurence - Gillies Bros. Ltd. - Gillis, John Joseph Alban, 1881-1965 - Gilmour, Constance - Gilson, Samuel - Giorda, Joseph, 1823-1882 - Girl Guides - Girl Guides of Canada - Girls - Gitskan Indians - Glacier - Glacier National Park - Glaciers - Glad Tidings (Mission boat) - Gladman, George, 1800-1863 - Gladstone, Thomas William - Glaholm, Thomas W. - Glassford, T.S. - Glen Iron Mining Company - Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas Baron, 1743-1823 - Glenbow Foundation - Glendale (Victoria: House) - Glenora - Glossaries, vocabularies etc. - Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. - Godman, Josephine Eleanor (Ellison), 1890-1981 - Goepel, W.J. - Gold Mountain Mines - Gold River - Gold Valley Mines - Gold mines and mining - Golden - Golden Eagle Mine (Alberni Mining Division) - Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939 - Golden River Quesnelle, Ltd. - Golden Sovereign Group - Goldstream (Schooner) - Golf - Gomelza (Ship) - Gonzales Point Land Company (Victoria) - Good, Charles, 1832?-1920? - Good, Charles,1832?-1920? - Goodfellow, John - Goodfellow, John Christie, 1890-1968 - Goodlake, Thomas J. - Goodwill Enterprises for the Handicapped - Goodwin, Albert "Ginger", 1877-1918 - Gordon Head (Saanich: district) - Gordon, Alexander, 1873-1965 - Gordon, Anne (McQueen), d. 1941 - Gordon, Charles R. - Gordon, Charles William, 1860-1937 - Gordon, Daniel M. - Gorge Park (Victoria) - Gorgon (H.M. Ship) - Gorman, J.W. - Gosnell, R. Edward, 1860-1931 - Gough, Barry Morton - Gough, Edwin - Gough, John - Gould, Marian K. - Government House (Victoria) - Government employees - Government relations - Governmental investigations - Governors - Goward, Albert Toller, 1872-1946 - Gowen, C.N. - Grading - Grafton (H.M. Ship) - Graham, Donald - Graham, James Ogden - Graham, Thomas - Grahame, James Allan - Grainger, Martin Allerdale, 1874 - Grainger, Martin Allerdale, 1874-1941 - Grammar - Granby - Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Company - Grand Duke Constantin (steamer) - Grand Forks - Grand Trunk Pacific Railway - Granite Creek - Grant, James Andrew, 1869-1958 - Grant, Maria - Grant, Richard, 1794-1862 - Grant, Sir James Alexander - Grant, Walter Colquhoun, 1822-1861 - Grappler (H.M.S. Gun Boat) - Grattan, Noel - Grauer, Albert Edward "Dal", 1906-1961 - Graves, Thomas - Gray, A.D. - Gray, Arthur Wellesley, 1876-1944 - Gray, Edith - Gray, John Hamilton, 1814-1889 - Gray, Joseph - Gray, Percy - Gray, Robert, 1755-1806 - Great Britain - Great Britain. Admiralty. - Great Britain. Colonial Office. - Great Britain. Navy. - Great Britain. Public Record Office. Admiralty 55/146. - Great Britain. Royal Marine Forces. - Great Britain. Royal Navy - Great Britain. Royal Navy. - Great Britain. Royal Navy. Pacific Squadron. - Great Britain. Treasury. - Great Britian - Great Central Sawmills - Great Eastern Breweries - Great Slave Lake (Northwest Territories) - Greater Vancouver Co-operative Association - Greater Victoria Council of Churches - Greater Victoria Film Council - Greaves, Joseph Blackburn, 1831-1915 - Greeks in Vancouver - Green (Whaling steamer) - Green, Alfred Abraham - Green, Alfred Eli, 1850-1914 - Green, G. Huntley - Green, George R. V. - Green, Howard Charles, 1895- - Green, John Bertram, 1880-1967 - Green, John McMorland, 1894-1949 - Green, Robert Francis, 1861-1946 - Green, Rowland Edward - Greene, Alan Dallas, 1889-1972 - Greenwood - Greenwood - Greenwood, Eric - Greeting cards - Gregory, Francis Brook, 1863-1936 - Gregson, Harry Harmer - Grell, John - Grey, Ralph Geoffrey, d. 1943 - Grey, Sir George, 1799-1882 - Grey, William - Grey, Winnifred Grace Spalding (Higgs), 1871-1951 - Gribbell, Florence - Gribbell, Frank B. - Grierson, Sir Herbert - Griffin, Charles John, d. 1874 - Griffith, David - Griffiths, Clara Irena - Griffiths, Jeremiah - Griffiths, Lizetta Cape - Griffiths, Richard Stanley - Grimm, W. - Grimm, William - Griva, Edward M. 1864-1948 - Grizzly bear - Grocery trade - Ground Hog Basin Anthracite Coal Syndicate - Groundbirch - Grouse Creek - Grouse Creek Bed Rock Flume Company - Grove, Frederick Philip, 1871?-1949 - Growers' Wine Company - Grubel, Herbert G., 1934- - Guard, William - Guichon, Joseph - Guichon, Laurent - Guides for hunters, fisherman, etc. - Guides for hunters, fishermen, etc. - Guiguet, Charles Joseph, 1916- - Gulf Islands - Gulf Islands - Gulf Islands Improvement Bureau - Gun-an-noot, Simon Peter, 1878-1933 - Gunn, Donald, 1797-1878 - Gunn, Morris, - Gunterman, Mattie, 1872-1945 - Gunther, Erna, 1896- - Gussow, H.T. - Gyro Club (Vancouver) -

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