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Textual Records Catalogue - Subject Cross Reference


M‰tis - M.R. Smith and Co. - MacBeath, Mary - MacBeth, Roderick George, 1858-1934 - MacBride, Louise Rigg - MacCorkindale, Archie - MacDonald, William A., 1847?-1913 - MacDonald, William John, 1832-1916 - MacDougall, A. Reg. - MacFarlane, Roderick - MacGuire, Thomas - MacInnes, T.L.R. - MacKay, Donald, ca.1866 - MacKay, Ethel - MacKay, George Grant, d. 1892 - MacKay, Joseph William, 1829-1900 - MacKay, W.A. - MacKenzie district - MacKenzie, A. Ross - MacLaren, John - MacLean, Donald Redman, 1880?-1975 - MacLean, John Duncan, 1873-1948 - MacLeod, Henry, A.F. - MacLeod, J.M. - MacLeod, Margaret (Arnett), 1877-1966 - MacMillan and Bloedel Ltd. - MacMillan, Harvey Reginald, 1885-1976 - MacMillan, James, 1783-1858 - MacNab, Christine F.M. - MacPhail, E.S. - MacRae, Donald - Macallum, John - Macallum, John, 1806-1842 - Macaulay, John - Macbeath, George - Macdonald Club of Vancouver - Macdonald, Alexander Barrett, 1918- - Macdonald, Alexander D. - Macdonald, Allan - Macdonald, Edward Mortimer - Macdonald, Hugh J. - Macdonald, J. Ward - Macdonald, James Alexander, 1858-1939 - Macdonald, James Williamson Galloway, 1897-1960 - Macdonald, Kenneth Gordon, 1893-1954 - Macdonald, Malcolm Archibald, 1875-1941 - Macdonald, Ranald, 1824-1894 - Macdonald, Roderick - Macdonald, Sir John Alexander, 1815-1891 - Macdonald, William John, 1832-1916 - Macdonell, Alexander - Macdonell, Alexander Greenfield, 1835- - Macdonell, Miles, 1769-1828 - Macdonnell, James MacKerras, 1884- - Macdonnell, Miles, 1769-1828 - Macfarlane, Joseph W. - Machinery - Machow, Joe - Mack, Sam - Mackay, J.J. - Mackay, John - Mackay, Phyllis Isabel - Mackay, W.D. - Macken, W.L. - Mackenzie - Mackenzie River Basin - Mackenzie River district - Mackenzie district - Mackenzie, Daniel, 1769?-1832 - Mackenzie, Ian Alistair, 1890-1949 - Mackenzie, Jane - Mackenzie, Mann and Company - Mackenzie, Robert - Mackenzie, Roderick, 1772-1859 - Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, 1764?-1820 - Mackenzie, Sir William, 1849-1923 - Mackie, Augustine Clark, 1879-1965 - Mackie, Christiana Grace, 1873-1953 - Mackie, Grace E. - Mackie, Hugh de Fylton, 1882-1971 - Maclean, Laughlan - Maclean, Victor Alexander - Macleod, P. McK. - Maclure, John, 1831-1907 - Macoun, James Melville, 1862-1920 - Macoun, John, 1831-1920 - Mactavish, Dugald, 1817-1871 - Mactavish, Lockhart - Mactavish, William, 1815-1870 - Madden, Ernest Everett - Magee, Bernard - Magee, Mildred - Magicienne (H.M. Ship) - Magna Bay - Mahoney, Charles A. - Mahood, Ian Sharpe, 1915- - Mailand, William John, 1921-1943 - Maillardville - Main, James - Mainguy, Richard Cecil, 1886-1946 - Mainland Guardian - Maintenance and repair - Mainwearing, William Crossley, 1894-1967 - Mair, Kenneth Rafe, 1931- - Maitland, Dorothy Jean S., 1895-1966 - Maitland, Norah Kathleen - Maitland, Robert Reid, 1855-1921 - Maitland, Robert Reid, 1917-1976 - Maitland, Royal Lethington, 1889-1946 - Maitland, Ruth Hildred (Mills), 1886-1967 - Majestic (H.M. Ship) - Makah Indians - Malacca (H.M. Ship) - Malcolm Island - Mallandaine family - Mallandaine, Edward, 1827-1905 - Malta - Maltwood, John, d. 1967 - Maltwood, Katharine Emma, 1878-1961 - Mamenanatum, Margaret - Management - Manchester Naval Exhibition - Mandley, Charles S. - Mandy, Joseph T. - Manitoba - Manitoba College (Winnipeg) - Manitoba Gypsum Company - Manitoba Temperance Alliance - Manley, William - Mann, Sir Donald D., 1853-1934 - Manning Park - Manning, Ernest Charles, 1908- - Mansell, Ernest - Manson Creek - Manson Creek - Manson, Alexander Malcolm, 1883-1964 - Manson, Aurelia, 1837-1931 - Manson, Donald, 1796-1880 - Manson, Laurence, d. 1944 - Manson, Michael, 1857-1932 - Manson, William George Cox - Manuscripts - Maple Bay - Maple Leaf Fountain (Victoria) - Maple Leaf Milling Company - Maple Ridge - Maps - Maquinna, Nootka chief, fl. 1776-1805 - Maquinna, Nootka chief, fl. 1778-1805 - Mara, John Andrew, 1840-1920 - Margaret (ship) - Marie de la Providence, Sister - Marine biology - Marionette Book Shop - Maritime - Maritime Museum of British Columbia - Maritime Temperance Federation - Maritime fur trade - Marjoribanks, Coutts - Marketing - Markland - Marlet, Adrian - Marpole district (Vancouver) - Marpole, Clarence M. - Marriage contracts - Marriage records - Marriott, Anne, 1913- - Martain, William - Martin, E.B. - Martin, George Bohun, 1841-1933 - Martin, Joseph, 1852-1923 - Martin, Leslie - Martin, Mungo, 1877-1962 - Martin, Nancy - Martin, Theodore, G. - Martin, Thomas Mower, 1838-1934 - Martin, William Melville, 1876- - Martinez, Est‰ban Jos‰, 1742-1798 - Martinez, Esteban Jose, 1742-1798 - Martley, Arthur Hugh John, 1855?-1942 - Martley, John, 1859-1896 - Marvin, Edgar - Mary Ellen - Mary Mildred, sister, 1875-1959 - Mary Taylor - Mascot - Masks - Mason, E.S. - Mason, Joseph - Mason, William Laing - Mason, William, 1813?-1893 - Masset - Mathematical models - Mather, Robert Duncan, 1858-1908 - Matheson, Jean - Matson, John Samuel Henry, 1869-1931 - Matsqui - Matthew, A.H.P. - Matthews, Gordon - Matthews, James Skitt, 1878-1970 - Maud S. - Maude (sidewheeler) - Maule, Fox, second Baron Panmure, 1801-1874 - Maxwell, Dorothy - May Belle - Mayhew, Fred H. - Maynard, Hannah (Hatherly), 1834-1918 - Maynard, Max Singleton, 1903-1982 - Maynard, Richard, 1832-1907 - Mayne Island - McAdam, William Alexander, 1889-1961 - McAllister, Frances Wardale Lieber, d. 1814 - McAllister, John - McAlonan, Ruth Ellen - McAlpine, C.D.H. - McAulay, Donald, d. 1868 - McBeath, Adam - McBeath, Chirsty - McBeath, John - McBeath, Robert - McBride - McBride, Arthur Hill - McBride, Margaret - McBride, Mary D'Arcy - McBride, Sir Richard, 1870-1917 - McCallum, Daisy S. - McCallum, Edward Arthur - McCallum, Jessie - McCallum, Katherine Mary - McCallum, William J. Hughes - McCarthy, Grace Mary, 1927- - McClatchy, Valentine Stuart, 1857-1937 - McClelland and Stewart - McClung, Nellie Letitia (Mooney), 1873-1951 - McClung, Nellie Letitia, 1873-1951m - McConnan, T. - McCormick, E.H. - McCormick, M.T. - McCosh, Thomas - McCracken, Robert - McCreight, John Foster, 1827-1913 - McDam Creek - McDermot, Andrew, 1789-1881 - McDonald Mines (Peterborough) - McDonald, Alexander - McDonald, Angus - McDonald, Archibald, 1790-1853 - McDonald, J.A. - McDonald, John - McDonald, Mary - McDonald, Robert, 1829-1913 - McDonald, William John, 1832-1916 - McDonell, Alexander - McDonell, Allan, 1778-1859? - McDougall, George, d. 1850 - McDougall, William, 1822-1905 - McElmore, B.K. - McElroy, Henry - McEvoy, Arthur, d. 1946 - McFarlane, J. - McFarlane, M.L. - McGeer, Charlotte (Spencer) - McGeer, Gerald Grattan, 1888-1947 - McGill University - McGillivery, D. - McGillivray, Archibald, 1803-1816 - McGowan, Edward, 1813-1893 - McGraw-Hill Ryerson - McGregor, A. - McGregor, John Charles, 1875-1958 - McGregor, Rev. Simon, d. 1906 - McIllree, Caroline Elizabeth (Lily) - McIllree, John H., 1849-1925 - McInnes, Thomas Robert, 1840-1904 - McInnes, William Wallace Burns, 1871-1954 - McIntosh, James - McIntyre, Rev. A.J. - McKay, Donald M., 1890?-1953 - McKay, John - McKay, Joseph William, 1829-1900 - McKay, Pat W. - McKay, William - McKelvie, Bruce Alistair, 1889-1960 - McKelvie, John Armstrong, 1865-1924 - McKenna, James Andrew Joseph, 1862-1919 - McKenzie, Agnes, 1823-1897 - McKenzie, Agnes, 1842-1927 - McKenzie, Andrew Colville, 1854- - McKenzie, Donald, 1783-1851 - McKenzie, G.G. - McKenzie, Hector - McKenzie, Ian H. - McKenzie, Janet, 1784-1820 - McKenzie, Kenneth, 1748-1824 - McKenzie, Kenneth, 1786-1844 - McKenzie, Kenneth, 1811-1874 - McKenzie, Kenneth, 1846-1906 - McKenzie, Robert Gregory, 1856-1913 - McKenzie, Roderick - McKenzie, Samuel - McKenzie, Wilhelmina Ann - McKenzie, Wilhelmina Ann Blair, 1852-1928 - McKenzie, William - McKenzie, William Blair, d. 1850 - McKinlay, Archibald, 1810 or 1811-1891 - McLachlan, D.N. - McLaghlin, David - McLaren, E.W. - McLaughlin, Robert James - McLean, A. - McLean, Alexander - McLean, Allan - McLean, Archibald - McLean, Charles - McLean, Donald - McLean, John - McLean, John Duncan, 1873-1948 - McLean, John, 1799-1890 - McLean, Neil - McLeise, Robert - McLellan, Archibald, d. 1820 - McLellan, Winifred - McLeod Lake - McLeod, Alexander Roderick, ca. 1782-1840 - McLeod, Donald Allan, 1940-1955 - McLeod, Dorothy, 1913- - McLeod, John M. - McLeod, John N. - McLeod, John, 1788-1849 - McLeod, Martin - McLeod, Robert Garvin - McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857 - McMahon, Frank, 1902- - McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing, 1913- - McManus, John - McMaster University - McMicking family - McMicking, Margaret (Leighton), 1848-1944 - McMicking, Robert Burns, 1843-1915 - McMillar, John - McMullen, Ernest Willet, 1873-1957 - McMurray, Thomas, 1770?-1849 - McNab, John - McNaughton, General A.G.L. - McNaughton, Isabel Christie - McNeil, Neil, 1851-1934 - McNeill, William Henry, 1801-1875 - McPherson, Murdoch, 1796?-1863 - McPhillips, Albert Edward, 1861-1938 - McQueen, Alex - McQueen, Annie - McQueen, Jessie - McRae, Angus - McRae, Christopher, d. 1938 - McTavish, Catherine Amelia (Helmcken), 1855-1922 - McTavish, Dugald, 1817-1871 - McTavish, Duncan Archibald - McTavish, George Simpson, 1863-1943 - McTavish, John George, d. 1847 - McTavish, John H. - McTavish, William - McTavish, William, 1815-1870 - McVicar, Robert, 1794?- - Meacham, Alfred Benjamin, 1826-1882 - Meade, John - Meares, John, 1756?-1809 - Medals - Medana family (Paul Medana) - Mediation and conciliation, Industrial - Medical care - Medical economics - Medical instruments and apparatus - Medical laws and legislation - Medical records - Medicine - Meeanee (H.M. Ship) - Meighen, Arthur, 1874-1960 - Memorials - Menageries - Mengarini, Gregory, 1811-1886 - Mennonites - Mennonites in British Columbia - Menshikoff (barque) - Mensuration - Mental health services - Mental illness - Menus - Mercer, Edward, 1864-1954 - Mercer, Gordon, 1904- - Mercer, John W. - Mercer, William Edward Arthur, 1900- - Merchant seamen - Mercier, Honore, 1840-1894 - Mercury (Ship) - Merivale, Herman, 1806-1874 - Mermaid - Mermaid (schooner) - Merritt - Merville - Meschell, Johnny - Metallurgy - Metchosin - Metchosin district - Methodist Church - Methodist Church (Canada) - Methodist Church in Alberta - Methodist Church in British Columbia - Methodist Church in Northwest, Canadian - Methodist Church in Prairie Provinces - Methodist Church in Vancouver - Methodist Church in Victoria - Methodist church in Northwest, Canadian - Methodists in Oregon - Methodology - Metlakahtla - Metlakatla - Metlakatla (Alaska) - Metropolitan Church (Victoria) - Metropolitan Joint Committee - Metropolitan Methodist Church (Victoria) - Metropolitan United Church (Victoria) - Meurling, H.F. - Mexicana (Schooner) - Mexico - Michipicoten River (Ont.) - Midway and Vernon Railway Company - Migration, Internal - Miles, Elizabeth - Miles, Harriet - Miles, Robert - Miles, Robert Seaborn, 1795-1870 - Miles, Robert, 1795-1870 - Military - Military history - Military papers - Military training camps - Militia - Millar, Alexander Manley, 1908- - Miller, D.W. - Miller, Joseph Alfred - Millie and Lizzie [radio play] - Mills family (John Burpee Mills, 1850-1913) - Mills, John Burpee, 1850-1913 - Mina W. (Mission boat) - Minchin, Margaret King - Mine safety - Mine surveying - Miners - Mines and mineral resources - Mines and mining - Minimum wage - Mining - Mining corporations - Mining engineering - Mining finance - Mining industry - Mining industry and finance - Minks - Minnesota - Minnie - Minorities - Minto (steamer) - Misheal, Sophie, d. 1970 - Mission City - Mission Ships - Missionaries - Missions - Misteagun, Thomas - Mitchell, John [butcher] - Mitchell, Ross B. - Mittler, Caroline, d. 1871 - Mittler, Sebastian, d. 1849 - Moberly, Walter, 1832-1915 - Models - Moderation League - Moffat and Sons - Moffat family - Moffat, Alex - Moffat, Harry Henry, d. 1947 - Moffat, Henry - Moffat, James - Moffat, John - Moffat, Roderick Roy, 1892- - Moffatt, Capt. Hamilton, 1832-1894 - Mogg, Henry Herbert - Molson Breweries Ltd. - Monarch (H.M. Ship) - Monetary policy - Money, Lillian May - Monroe, J.W. - Montagnon, Eveline A. - Montana - Monte Creek - Monte Cristo (Barque) - Montgomery, Lucy Maud, 1874-1942 - Montgomery, Sir James - Montney - Montreal - Moodie, Stanley F.M., 1891-1964 - Moody family - Moody family (R.C. Moody, 1813-1887) - Moody, Richard Clement, 1813-1887 - Moody, Sewell Prescott, d. 1875 - Moore, Albert Milton, 1918- - Moore, Benjamin Blair - Moore, E. Thomas - Moore, George Williams, 1879-1963 - Moore, Grace - Moore, T. Albert - Moore, William W. - Moore-Whittington Lumber Company - Moorelate, John Pearcey - Moose Dome (Alberta) - Moral and religious aspects - Moran Dam - Moresby, Fairfax, 1786-1877 - Morgan, H.E. - Morgan, P. Brett - Morice River - Morice, Adrian Gabriel, 1859-1938 - Moricetown - Morison, John Whiston - Morison, Roderick - Morkill, Frances, 1881-1956 - Morphology - Morris, Clydene - Morris, Joe, 1913- - Morrison Steel and Wire Company - Morse, John Jesse, 1906- - Morton, Arthur Silver, 1870-1945 - Mortuary customs - Morvillo, Anthony, 1839-1919 - Morwick, David - Mosher, Mark - Motor House (Victoria) Ltd. - Motor Princess (Motor vessel) - Motor buses - Mouat, Alexander - Mound-builders - Mount Baker Hotel Company (Oak Bay) - Mount Currie - Mount Rainier National Park (Wash.) - Mount Ranier (Wash.) - Mount Robson - Mount Waddington - Mountain Chief - Mountain warfare - Mountaineering - Mourelle, Francisco Antonio, 1755-1820 - Moving pictures - Moving-picture industry - Moving-pictures - Mowbray, Thomas - Moyer, Charles - Moyie (Steamboat) - Moyle, John, 1887-1979 - Mud Bay - Mud River - Muir, Andrew Welsh, 1877-1900 - Muir, Ann Miller, 1804-1875 - Muir, Ann Welsh - Muir, Catherine Ann, 1881- - Muir, David - Muir, Douglas - Muir, John 1830-1909 - Muir, John Miller, 1875-1900 - Muir, Michael, 1835-1888 - MulhoIland, Frederick Davison, 1888-1957 - Mulholland, Kenneth - Muller, Rae Lucille - Munday, Phyllis Beatrice (James) - Munday, Walter Alfred Don, 1890-1950 - Mundell, Alexander - Mundorf, Jacob - Municipal corporations - Municipal finance - Municipal government - Munro, Alexander, 1824-1911 - Munro, John Alexander - Munro, M. - Munro, William John, 1865-1936 - Munsey, Maud - Munsie, William McGillivray, 1849-1906 - Murder - Murray River Oils Ltd. - Murray, Alexander Campbell, 1858-1931 - Murray, Alexander Hunter, 1818 or 9-1874 - Murray, Donald - Murray, George Matheson, 1889-1961 - Murtle River - Muset, Paul, 1854-1897 - Museums - Musgrave, Robert - Musgrave, Sir Anthony, 1828-1888 - Music - Musicians - Muskett, Aubrey Dashwood - Musqueam Indian Reservation - Musqueam Reserve (Vancouver) - Mutchmor, J.R. - Myers, Clive -

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