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Textual Records Catalogue - Subject Cross Reference


R.J. Morse - R.P. Rithet (Ship) - R.P. Rithet and Company - Rabbits - Racey, Kenneth A. - Racoon (H.M. Ship) - Radford, Jack, 1929- - Radio - Radio advertising - Radio plays - Radio programs - Rae, John, 1813-1893 - Rail Road House (Hotel: Yale) - Railroad travel - Railroads - Railroads- Alaska - Railways - Rainbow - Rainbow (H.M. Ship) - Raley, George Henry, 1863-1958 - Ralph, William, 1830-1905 - Ramsay, Alexander - Ramsey, Ted - Ranch life - Ranches - Ranching - Random (Sloop) - Rankin, D.A. and Co. - Rant, Gladys, 1880- - Rant, William John, 1849-1919 - Rat Portage Lumber Company - Rates - Rationing, Consumer - Rattenbury, Francis Mawson, 1867-1935 - Rattlesnakes - Ravenhill, Alice, 1859-1954 - Rawson, Mary, 1926- - Raymond, John - Raymond, Percy A. - Rayonier Canada - Rea, William, 1908-1983 - Read Island - Real estate business - Real estate development - Real estate investment - Real estate management - Reclamation of land - Records and correspondence - Recreation - Recreation areas - Recruiting - Red Cross Breweries - Red Deer (Alberta) - Red River Settlement - Red River Valley - Red River rebellion, 1869-1870 - Redfern, Charles Edward, 1839-1929 - Redford, Mary Joyce Burdett (Garrard), 1902- - Redford, Walter, 1891-1972 - Redonda Bay - Redstone - Reed, Thomas Frederick Harper, 1878-1965 - Reeder, Charles G. - Rees, John - Reeve, Mary - Reforestation - Reformed Episcopal Church - Reformed Episcopal Church (Victoria) - Refugees, British - Regina (Sask.) - Regina v. Gordon - Regional planning - Register of births, etc. - Registers - Registers of births, etc. - Reid and Currie Iron Works - Reid, Frank H., d. 1898 - Reid, John - Reid, Peter - Reid, Robie Lewis, 1866-1945 - Reid, Thomas, 1884-1968 - Reifel, Henry - Reindeer (H.M. Ship) - Reinhart, Simon - Reliance (Ship) - Religion and mythology - Religion and politics - Religion and state - Religious education - Religious education of young people - Religious papers - Religious poetry - Religious records - Renata - Rene, John Baptiste, 1841-1916 - Rent control - Repairing and adjusting - Repulse (H.M. Ship) - Reservations - Resolution (H.M. Ship) - Restaurants, lunch rooms, etc. - Retail trade - Retired military personnel - Reuther, Walter P., 1907-1970 - Revegetation - Revellers - Revelstoke - Revelstoke - Revelstoke Board of Trade - Revenge (H.M. Ship) - Revilla Gigedo, Juan Vicente Guemez Pachecho de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799 - Reynolds, H.J.S. - Reynolds, Rachel - Ricard, Pere - Ricardo, William Crawley, 1765-1946 - Richards, Percival Charles, 1904-1984 - Richards, Sir George Henry, 1820-1896 - Richardson, Seth W. - Richardson, Sir John, 1787-1865 - Richfield - Richmond - Richmond - Richter Estate - Richter, Florence Elizabeth Loudon - Rickard, Thomas Arthur, 1864-1953 - Riddell, R.W. - Ridgewood Estates - Ridington, John, 1886-1945 - Ridley, William, Bp. of Caledonia, 1836-1911 - Riel Rebellion, 1885 - Riel, Louis David, 1844-1885 - Riley, Jane - Rindisbacher, Peter, 1806-1834 - Ringdove (H.M. Ship) - Ringland, Harry - Ringwood, Gwendolyn Margaret (Pharis), 1910- - Riots - Riske Creek - Ritchie, G.S. - Ritchie, L.M. - Rites and ceremonies - Rithet, Edward Paterson - Rithet, Elizabeth Jane Hannah (Munro), 1853-1952 - Rithet, John Alexander, 1878-1942 - Rithet, Robert Paterson, 1844-1919 - Rivers Inlet - Rixford, Loring P. - Road construction - Roads - Robert Porter and Sons (firm) - Roberts family (Robert James Henry, 1831-1905) - Roberts family (Thomas Roberts, 1850-1939) - Roberts, Alexander Cross, 1884-1974 - Roberts, Edward - Roberts, George Barber - Roberts, Hugh Morris - Roberts, Robert Charles Griffith, 1876-1930 - Roberts, Thomas - Roberts, Thomas Douglas, 1891-1957 - Robertson family (George Henry, 1869?-1925) - Robertson, Alexander - Robertson, Alexander Bruce, 1904- - Robertson, Alexander Rocke, 1841-1881 - Robertson, Colin, 1783-1842 - Robertson, Harold Edwin Bruce, 1875-1961 - Robertson, Laurence - Robertson, William Archibald - Robins, Samuel M. - Robinson, A.E. - Robinson, Ann, 1825?-1856 - Robinson, Caroline, 1819-1893 - Robinson, James D. - Robinson, John T., 1868-1923 - Robinson, Noel, 1881-1966 - Roblen Holdings Ltd. - Robson - Robson, Ebenezer, 1835-1911 - Robson, John, 1824-1892 - Rock Bay - Rock Creek - Rock craft - Rocket (H.M. Ship) - Rocky Mountain Rangers Association - Rocky Mountains - Rodeos - Rogers Pass - Rogers, Bertie - Rogers, Jeremiah, 1817-1879 - Rolla (H.M. Ship) - Rolling-stock - Roman Catholic Church - Roman Catholic Church in Alaska - Roman Catholic Church in Alberta - Roman Catholic Church in British Columbia - Roman Catholic Church in Oregon - Roman Catholic Church in Vancouver Island - Roman Catholic Church in Washington - Roman Catholic Church in Western States - Ronaghan, Neil Edgar Allen, 1923- . - Roodis, Nancy - Roper, John Charles, 1858-1940 - Rose Lake - Rose, George, d. 1840 - Rose, J.B. - Rose, John - Rose, Mary (Grattan) - Rosenberger, Andrew F. - Rosetti, Paul - Rosie Olsen - Ross Bay Cemetery (Victoria) - Ross Ore Mill and Amalgamator, Ltd. - Ross family - Ross, Alexander, 1783-1856 - Ross, Allan - Ross, Amasa Bartlett, 1810-1895 - Ross, Annabella - Ross, Bernard Rogan, 1827-1874 - Ross, Bernard William - Ross, Charles, d. 1844 - Ross, Christiana - Ross, Dixi Harrison, 1842 - Ross, Donald, 1797?-1852 - Ross, Donald, d. 1878 - Ross, Edwin B. - Ross, Fanny - Ross, Frank - Ross, Frank Mackenzie, 1891-1971 - Ross, H. - Ross, James - Ross, Jessy, 1825-1849 - Ross, John Munro - Ross, John Robert - Ross, John T. - Ross, Kenneth - Ross, Mary - Ross, Minna A. - Ross, Mobray Bartlett, 1845-1929 - Ross, Robert - Ross, Roderick, 1834?-1909 - Ross, William A. - Ross, Winslow Beedy, 1855- - Rossiisko-amerikanskaia kompaniia - Rossland - Rossland - Rossland Miner - Rossland Mining Company - Rossland Water and Light Company - Rosslisko-americanshaia kompaniia - Rotary Club of Victoria - Roueche, Leonard - Rousset, Paul - Rowand, John 1787-1854 - Rowbottom, E.G. - Rowebottom, E.G. - Rowland, John - Royal Adelaide (H.M. Ship) - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland - Royal Bank of Canada - Royal Canadian Geographical Society - Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Royal Cariboo General Hospital Association - Royal City (Ship) - Royal Colwood Golf Club - Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations, 1937 - Royal Commission on Expropriation Laws and Procedures. - Royal Commission on Forest Resources, 1955-1957 - Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia (1913-1916) - Royal Engineers in British Columbia - Royal Financial Corporation - Royal Five Gold Mining Company - Royal Jubilee Hospital (Victoria) - Royal Naval College of Canada - Royal Naval Exhibition - Royal Navy in British Columbia - Royal North West Mounted Police - Royal Oak (H.M. Ship) - Royal Society of Canada - Royal United Services Institute of Vancouver Island - Royal visit, 1939 - Royston Light and Power Company - Ruckle, Henry, d. 1913 - Rudd, Charles A. - Rugby football - Rule, Jane Vance, 1931- - Rundle, Robert Terrill, 1811-1896 - Rungius, Carl, 1869- - Rupert's Land - Ruskin - Russell, Alma M., d. 1964 - Russell, Edward C. - Russell, Lord John, first Earl Russell, 1792-1878 - Russell, Thomas, 1836-1912 - Russia - Russian - Russian language - Russian-American Telegraph, Western Union Extension - Russians in Alaska - Russians in the Northwest coast of North America - Ruth Morton Memorial Church (Vancouver) - Ruxton, W.J. - Ryan, Vincent N. - Ryan, William J., 1898-1967 -

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