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Healthy Living Topics
A comprehensive list of online resources

Family Health Index
B.C. HealthGuide
Information on common health topics, tests, procedures and other resources.
Child and Youth Mental Health
Child and youth mental health services are offered throughout British Columbia by the Ministry for Children and Family Development.
Fair PharmaCare
Register for the Fair Pharmacare program.
Flu Shots
Information on how to protect yourself and others from the flu bug.
Health Authorities
Regional health authorities information and profiles.
Health Care Forms and Applications
Access to commonly-used forms for patients and health care practitioners.
Health Care Today and Tomorrow
Working to build a health system that provides quality care and addresses the unique needs of patients, families, caregivers and health professionals throughout the province.
Health Information Line
A reference of all toll-free information lines.
Health Information for Parents
Health tips on caring for your child - for expectant, new and all parents.
Immunization and Your Child
Information on B.C.'s immunization program.
Long-Term and Home Care
Information on long-term and home care in B.C.
The Mammography Protocol Steering Committee's protocols for Mammography Services in B.C.
Mammography Services Patient Guide
Mammography services guide and patient information.
Medical Services Plan
Information for MSP Beneficiaries.
Medical Services Plan - Care Card Information
Care Card information for Medical Services Plan beneficiaries.
Men's Health
Information and resources on men's health.
Safety: Preventing Violence Against Women and Children
Policies on the criminal justice system's response to violence against women and children.
Seniors' Guide
The Seniors' Guide lists programs and services by popular topics such as health services, housing, recreation and finance.
Women's Health
Information and resources on women's health.
Women's Health Information
Women's health issues publications and information forum newsletters.
Women's Services
This Website provides links to programs, services and resources for women and women at risk.
Women's Services Directory
The Women's Services Directory provides links to B.C. government services including links to business advisory services, First Nations resources for aboriginal women, parenting and family, health and violence and justice services.
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