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Vital Statistics Index
Adoption - Information from Vital Statistics
Vital statistics adoption records under the new Adoption Act.
Anniversary and Birthday Greetings
Every year the Congratulatory Messages Program coordinates thousands of official greetings for the residents of British Columbia on significant birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Whether it is parents celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary or a grandparent celebrating a 75th birthday, congratulatory messages are available.
B.C. Coroner's Service
Information about the Coroners Service including inquest schedules, statistics database, public safety news, reporting and requesting information and publications.
Baby Names
Vital Statistics list of most popular Baby Names.
Birth Certificates
Register a birth and order a birth certificate.
Death: Death Certificates
Death certificates, list of funeral homes, correction to a death record.
Genealogical Services
Genealogical Services providing family history research and Vital Statistics records.
Marriage Event
Marriage license application, marriage certificate information and list of marriage commissioners.
Name Change
Change of name application, certificate and eligibility requirements.
Special Event Certificates from Vital Statistics
Vital Statistics Commemorative & Special Event Certificates for Birth and Marriage.
Vital Statistics - Birth, Death, Marriage, Name Change
Online applications for registering a birth, marrige, death, name change and more.
Vital Statistics Fee Schedule
Vital Statistics services and credit card service price list.
Vital Statistics Services Information
Vital Statistics administrative information index.
Wills Registry
File a Wills Notice, indicating the person who has made the will, where the will is located,and the date of the will.
Wills and Estates
Provides common definitions, answers questions and lists additional informational resources about wills and estates.
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