BC Public Service
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What's New?

All BC Public Service opportunities are now open to both external applicants and current employees.
October 16, 2006


The BC Public Service is more than 30,000 people working to make positive differences in the lives of over four million British Columbians. Working in more than 100 diverse job streams, our people work on the toughest problems faced by open democratic societies – caring for the vulnerable, protecting public safety, developing new technologies, responding to emerging markets and diversifying communities. A career in the BC Public Service offers exceptional opportunities to develop solutions to complex problems and to have a meaningful impact on the lives of British Columbians.

Right now, the BC Public Service is undergoing a significant transformation as an employer. Given the aging population that is bringing about a rapid rate of retirements, an increasingly competitive marketplace for skilled employees, and evolving needs of the public we serve, we have begun an ongoing effort to implement key changes that include new ways to support career development, becoming more agile in our hiring practices and improving our work environment to make individual efforts more productive and rewarding. We have committed to pursuing a path that will take us to being recognized internationally as a leader in public service excellence. You can read more about these changes in our Corporate HR Plan.

We invite you to explore our Employment Opportunities web site and learn more about our new direction and the rewards of a career in the BC Public Service.