BC Parks
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Parks are a heritage, a way to share the finest natural environments today, then pass them on for posterity. For communities, parks may mean employment, nearby recreation spots or distant vacations. For the individual, parks offer solitude, physical challenge and spiritual renewal.

BC Parks is responsible for the designation, management and conservation of a system of ecological reserves, provincial parks and recreation areas located throughout the province. These contain many of the best representative elements and special features of British Columbia's natural heritage.

As a public trust, our mission is to protect representative and special natural places within the Province's Protected Areas System for world class conservation, outdoor recreation, education and scientific study.

The provincial system of parks is dedicated to the protection of natural environments for the inspiration, use and enjoyment of the public. BC Parks is committed to serving British Columbians and their visitors by:

  • protecting and managing for future generations a wide variety of outstanding park lands which represent the best natural features and diverse wilderness environments of the province.
  • providing province-wide opportunities for a diversity of high quality and safe outdoor recreation that is compatible with protecting the natural environment.

Inherent in this mandate is the requirement to maintain a balance between BC Parks' goals for protecting natural environments and outdoor recreation.

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