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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Licensing, Compliance & Enforcement > Inspection of Fish Farms

Regular Inspections of Fish Farms

Compliance with escape prevention standards and other regulatory requirements is critical to public confidence in the aquaculture industry. Towards this end, the provincial government has:

  • improved capabilities of existing staff through training;

  • introduced a spot audit program for farms, including underwater net inspections;

  • developed an inspections policy manual;

  • improved investigations of escape events and developed a joint agency Service Agreement; and

  • committed to assess the need for additional inspection staff, recognizing the enhanced role in shellfish inspections, our new role to inspect Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Ministry of Sustainable Resource management, and Integrated Land Management Bureau issues, and the recent decision to lift the moratorium on finfish sites.

Fisheries Inspectors from the Fisheries and Aquaculture Licensing and Compliance Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands inspect every active salmon farm in the province a minimum of once per year, and more frequently at some farms when necessary. There are several primary inspection categories according to which each site is evaluated. Click below to see a detailed list of inspection activities and their definitions, as provided for under license terms, the Fisheries Act (BC) and the Aquaculture Regulation.

Companies are given immediate on-site feedback in writing, identifying required or recommended corrective measures. Failure to comply with the any of the above is an offence under the Fisheries Act (BC), and owners/operators may be subject to investigation and charges.

In addition, Fisheries Inspectors also complete a yearly spot audit program, randomly selecting a minimum of six to ten salmon farms for a comprehensive review of operations and a full dive audit.

An Annual Report on Salmon Farm Inspections identifies the results of yearly inspections. It evaluates the state of the industry, including general findings and areas where the industry is demonstrating both good compliance and areas where improvements are recommended or required.

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Updated:  20 October 2006

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