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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Siting & Relocation

Siting and Relocation

Properly locating fish farms reduces the potential for negative impacts to the marine environment and results in a more efficient production of healthy fish. Good water quality, adequate currents, physical protection for farm structures and distance from sensitive marine areas are some of the factors that are considered when selecting a suitable farm site. Government also consults with coastal communities, other resource users and First Nations to ensure that new farm sites have community input and support.

The Environmental Assessment Office's 1997 report, the Salmon Aquaculture Review (SAR), recommended adoption of improved siting criteria for new farms. Since this time, the provincial and federal governments have developed specific siting criteria that must be met for all new fish farms.

In order to improve and streamline the site application and approval process, a new Guide to Information Requirements for Marine Finfish Aquaculture Applications has been developed.


Updated: 9 February 2006

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