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Electronic Service Delivery & Information Services

The Electronic Service Delivery & Information Services section of the Industry Competitiveness Branch provides leadership in the development and delivery of key information resources that support a globally competitive agriculture and lands sector in British Columbia. 

Services are provided through website access to the research, development and co-ordination of relevant information (BC Content) along with other resources. With increasing use of the internet to access information and extend communications, electronic delivery is becoming common in acquiring key management information in all sectors. 

InfoBasket is a major initiative for this section. This award winning e-service portal is a collection of agri-food business information on the Internet. The InfoBasket team works with industry to ensure information is organized to meet client needs for specific sectors. Ministry specialists use the portal software to find, approve and post relevant broad-range information from not only BC, but across the global internet. 

Electronic Services Delivery provides a lead role in working with other Ministry branches and stakeholders to identify information requirements and access issues ensuring that timely, relevant and accurate information is available for the agriculture industries in BC. It is essential that the goal of this section assist the industries in maintaining competitive, viable and profitable businesses.


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