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Regulated Marketing Policy

A number of agricultural commodities in British Columbia are regulated under the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act which is enabling legislation that provides for the establishment of commodity boards.  At present, eight marketing boards and commissions are established and operating under the Act. They are:

BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission

BC Chicken Marketing Board

BC Cranberry Marketing Commission

BC Egg Marketing Board

BC Hog Marketing Commission

BC Milk Marketing Board

BC Turkey Marketing Board

BC Vegetable Marketing Commission

The British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board is responsible for general supervision of the operations of these boards, serves as an appellant body and is a signatory to federal provincial agreements for the supply-managed commodities.

Working with BCFIRB, the provincial government has implemented a number of initiatives to advance good board governance and decision-making, with the overall objective of improving the economic performance within these sectors.  The following is a summary of the recent initiatives that have been undertaken:

Commodity Board Governance:

Significant steps have been taken to improve the governance of commodity boards, including the Cabinet appointment of board chairs and the signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with the appointed chairs, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries and the British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board.  Candidates are selected for Cabinet consideration through a merit-based process and in consultation with the Board Resourcing and Development Office (BRDO).  Several new chairs were appointed in January 2005.  Announcements of all government appointments to the various boards can be found on the BRDO website. The following is an example of a signed MOU with the BC Egg Marketing Board - as MOUs are developed with new chairs they will be added to this site.

Economic Policy:

In July 2004, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries released the Regulated Marketing Economic Policy, with the objective of providing clear policy direction to further improve the economic growth and development and long term viability of these important agricultural sectors.

Specialty Production:

In January 2005, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries announced a policy framework to provide for the further development of specialty markets within the supply managed agriculture sectors.  Details of the recommendations provided to the Minister can be found in the report, Managing Specialty Products in BC’s Supply Management System. The framework developed is consistent with the Regulated Marketing Economic Policy, and with the specialty principles proposed by BCFIRB as part of its Specialty Production Program Review. The BCFIRB is currently working with the commodity boards and industry to implement the framework for each of the supply managed commodities.

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