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BC Sharing Program

BC Sharing is a province-wide program to facilitate B.C. food donations to community food banks and the families they help.


On Tuesday, April 22, 2003, the Government of British Columbia reached an agreement with the B.C. branch of the Canadian Association of Food Banks to take over leadership of the BC Sharing program.

The concept

BC Sharing provides a simple way for consumers to support British Columbia food banks with food products. The program benefits food banks, recipients, the grocery stores who handle donations and the B.C. agri-food industry, whose products are purchased with the donated dollars.

BC Sharing Coupon

How it works

BC Sharing coupons in $2 denominations are available at participating grocery store check-out counters for shoppers to purchase.

Each grocery store is paired with a local food bank that is a member of the Canadian Association of Food Banks - BC Branch.

Shoppers ask for one or more BC Sharing coupons from the display by the cash register. The cashier scans the coupon like a food purchase and the amount is added to the shopper's purchase total.

Purchased coupons are reimbursed via a grocery store gift certificate to the Canadian Association of Food Banks - BC Branch members by each participating retailer.

Food banks then purchase a nutritionally balanced supply of British Columbia foods - including fresh grown fruits and vegetables - from participating stores.

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