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Resource Management Branch
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Strengthening Farming


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Environmental Farm Planning

Edge Planning

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Ministry of
Agriculture and Lands



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Resource Management Branch

Resource management is a strategic priority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. The objective is to support resource management and stewardship programs in order to maintain and protect land and water resources for agriculture and fisheries.

The mandate of the Branch is to expedite the adoption of environmentally sound soil, water and air resource management, effective land use, and advanced engineering systems to encourage growth and development of a sustainable agri-food industry in British Columbia.

Photo of the Peace River area of British Columbia
The Resource Management Branch is divided into three key program areas;  resource management, strengthening farming,
and industry development.


Resource Management
The objective is to alleviate crop production constraints and conserve soil and water resources. This is done by influencing the development of sound resource policies and helping farmers and ranchers adopt practices that optimize water use and sustain soil productivity.

Strengthening Farming
Strengthening Farming Initiative has two broad components: the protection of normal farm practices, and planning for agriculture.

Industry Development
Farm competitiveness is a key goal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. The Branch contributes to this goal by helping farmers to adopt advanced engineering technologies that enhance crop and animal production and sustain environmental quality.


Key Initiatives

Publications and Conceptual Plans

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