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Agricultural Policy Framework:
  Food Safety and Quality Chapter

  Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program

Through the Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program, federal and provincial governments, including British Columbia, have committed to work together to assist industry in developing and implementing government recognized national food safety, traceability and food quality systems throughout the food chain.

The Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program has three components.  The first two components are delivered nationally by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, whereas the third is delivered provincially in participating provinces.

  1. Systems Development Component
    Provides funding primarily to national associations for the development of voluntary, industry led, food safety, food quality and traceability systems along the entire food chain.

  2. On Farm Implementation Component
    Provides funding to assist producers through their industry associations with specified costs associated with implementing government recognized on-farm food safety systems.

  3. Food Safety Initiative Component
    Funds specified activities and initiatives intended to increase awareness, knowledge and support for the implementation of food safety management systems in eligible, non-federally registered food processing plants.  More information on the Food Safety Initiative and what is initially being proposed for British Columbia is contained in the above link.

A partnership between:
B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Government of Canada

     Province of British Columbia

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