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Small Business Index
Aboriginal Business
Find qualified and competitive Aboriginal suppliers of products and services to meet your business needs
Aboriginal Business Advisory Centres
Provision of business and advisory services to Aboriginal entrepreneurs and Aboriginal businesses in the Northeast and Southeast regions of the province.
Aboriginal Business Loan Program
Provides loans for the creation, expansion or upgrading of Aboriginal businesses.
BC Bid
Compete on public sector opportunities with BC Bid, a one-stop site to bring suppliers and public sector buyers together.
Business Immigration
British Columbia welcomes business people from all around the world who are looking for new business opportunities.
Buy BC
Information about the Buy BC program, qualifying products, fees and application forms.
Canada/B.C. Business Service Centre
Small businesses research and training services.
Child Care Subsidy: Guide for Child Care Providers
How childcare providers apply to claim the Child Care Subsidy.
Interactive Export Planner
Interactive Export Planner to assist entrepreneurs in preparing an export plan or an export-focused business plan for their new or existing business.
OneStop Business Registry
Register a business or change a business address, and complete multiple government applications quickly and efficiently.
Planning your Business
Get assistance in preparing a 3 year business plan for new or existing businesses
Salmon Marketing Council of BC
Trade and wholesale use supplier's lists, salmon market database, resource catalog, bulletins and newsletters.
Small Business Start-Up Checklist
Information on PST/GST, registering a business, land use and zoning, business number, WCB, labour requirements, business records etc.
Small Business: Entrepreneur
Evaluate your ideas to determine whether they are true business opportunities for you
Vendor Complaint Review Process
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